Scientific name: Peziza repanda Wahlenberg.
Derivation of name: The derivation of Peziza is
somewhat uncertain. One source
indicates it is an
ancient term for a mushroom with little or no stalk.
Repand- means "folded
backward, turned up" in
reference to the bent
backward or turned down
margin observed in some specimens.
Synonyms: Aleuria repanda (Pers.) Gillet
Common name(s): Recurved cup
Phylum: Ascomycota
Order: Pezizales
Family: Pezizaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic; single
or clustered on decaying hardwood and adjacent
soil; spring through fall.
Dimensions: Cup to saucer-shaped, 6-12 cm
wide; stalkless but attached to wood by central
knob of tissue.
Sterile outer surface: Whitish, pale whitish-
brown; minutely pubescent.
Fertile inner surface: Pale brown to dark brown;
Comments: This fungus is often cup-shaped when
young, becoming nearly flat with age. There is
considerable taxonomic uncertainty surrounding the
species. As of 2025, it is
recognzed as a distinct
species in Species Fungorum but DNA studies
indicate it may be synonymous with
Peziza varia.
More information at

Figure 1. Note the white sterile surface, brownish fertile
surface, and recurved margin on this specimen.
Photo © Steve Nelsen.

Figure 2. Specimens collected during the 2013 NEMF
in Rimouski, Canada. Photo © Gary Emberger.

Figure 3. A cluster of recurved cups. Photo © Steve Nelsen.