Scientific name: Sarcoscypha austriaca
(Beck ex Sacc.) Boud.
Derivation of name: Sarc- means flesh and scypha
means "cup." Austriaca means "from Austria" where
this species also occurs.
Synonyms: Peziza austriaca Beck ex Mussat,
Lachnea austriaca Beck ex Sacc.
Common name(s): Scarlet cup
Phylum: Ascomycota
Order: Pezizales
Family: Sarcoscyphaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic; solitary to
clustered on fallen branches and twigs especially in
damp habitats; early to late spring.
Dimensions: Shallow cups 2-5 cm wide; cups sessile
or with short, thick stipe
Sterile outer surface: Whitish to buff or pinkish-red,
sometimes scurfy.
Fertile inner surface: Scarlet, smooth, shiny.
Comments: Sarcoscypha austriaca is part of a species
complex which includes S. coccinea and S. dudleyi.
S. coccinea is found in the Pacific Northwest and has
not been reported in the Northeast. S. dudleyi and
S. austriaca, in the Northeast, are separated on
spore characters.
More information at

Figure 1. Typical specimens of scarlet cup.
Photo © William Roody

Figure 2. This is Sarcoscypha dudleyi, differentiated
microscopically from Sarcoscypha austriaca.
Photo © John Plischke III.