Scientific name: Chrysomphalina chrysophylla
(Fr.) Clemencon
Derivation of name: Chrys- means "gold" or "golden"
in reference to the orange-yellowish gills of this
Synonyms: Gerronema chrysophylla (Fr.) Singer.;
chrysophylla (Fr.) Gillet
Common name(s): Golden-gilled Chrysomphalina,
goldgill navelcap.
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Order: Agaricales
Family: Hygrophoraceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic; on conifer
wood; July through September.
Dimensions: Caps are 1-4 cm wide; stipes are 2-4
cm long and 1.5-3 mm thick.
Cap: Brownish-orange in the center to yellowish-
brown toward the edge; cap depressed in center,
mushroom funnel-shaped at maturity.
Gills: Decurrent, golden to apricot-yellow.
Spore print: Yellowish.
Stipe: Smooth, yellow to darker with age.
Veil: Absent.
Comments: The brown cap, yellow-orange gills, and
decaying conifer wood habitat are distinctive
characteristics. The species often appears with mosses.

Figure 1. The cap is brownish-orange in the center and
yellowish-brown at the margin. Photo © George Barron.

Figure 2. Note the golden color of the decurrent gills.
Photo © Steve Nelsen.