Is Messiah University included in your Estate Plans?

A significant source of support for Messiah is to document bequest intentions to the University. Knowing and documenting future bequests is important for a number of reasons:

  1. We want to be able to recognize and thank those who wish to Create a Legacy with the University.
  2. We want to be good stewards and utilize the bequest in the way it was desired.
  3. Knowing bequest intentions will enable the University to better plan for its financial future.

Legacy gifts have been critical to Messiah University's mission. They make up 80% of our endowment, have helped us build numerous facilities, and provided much needed financial aid to students. If you included Messiah University in your estate plans, please print, complete and mail the Confidential Charitable Bequest Intent form to: Messiah University, One University Avenue, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055.

Endowed Scholarships

Establishing an endowed fund is a wonderful way to partner with Messiah University and create an enduring legacy. These funds provide for:

  • Student scholarships
  • Endowed chairs
  • Service or mission opportunities
  • Faculty/student research projects
  • Other special initiatives


Only the fund's income or a certain percentage of its value may be distributed each year for its designated purpose. Because principal is not spent, students will benefit from your prudent planning and generosity for generations to come.


Each year, endowed funds supply consistent income to help fund Messiah University's various programs. This regularly enables the University to plan more strategically for the future.


Donor endowed funds at Messiah University are set aside and kept separate from operating and capital fund accounts. Once you enter into an Endowed Fund Agreement, you can be sure that your endowed fund will be secure and that the terms will be carefully followed.


Endowed funds are often named for the person or family who establishes the fund, or for someone they wish to honor or memorialize. In addition, you may tailor the purpose of your endowed fund to benefit a specific area of interest. Donors also enjoy opportunities to correspond and meet with the student or students who benefit from their endowed fund.

How to Fund Your Endowment

Fund It Now

You may establish an endowed fund now through gifts of cash or securities. This option will enable you to enjoy watching your fund grow and benefit current Messiah University students. A minimum contribution of $25,000 is required to establish an endowed fund.

Fund It Later

  • If it is not feasible to start an endowed fund now, you may wish to consider these possibilities:
  • Make a bequest from your will
  • Establish a charitable gift annuity
  • Form a charitable trust
  • Designate Messiah University as a beneficiary of IRAs or insurance policies


You may want to fund your endowment over a period of years and still benefit current students. In this case, your yearly contribution will be split between endowment principal and a current award. For example, if you make a yearly gift of $6,000, $5,000 could go to principal and $1,000 could serve as a current award. At the end of year five, the fund would be fully endowed.


Matching Challenge:

  • Goal: Raise $1.5M in new scholarship endowment gifts, which will be matched dollar for dollar, for a total of $3,000,000 in new scholarship aid endowment.
  • Every gift of $12,500 or more will be matched until the $1.5M goal is reached. Accordingly, a gift of $12,500 will create a $25,000 endowment, a gift of $25,000 will create a $50,000 endowment and so forth.
  • Gifts can be paid at one time, or payments can be structured over a two-year period. For example, when you give a $12,500 gift:
    • An amount of $6,250 is due within six months of the pledge being made.
    • The remaining $6,250 is due within the following 12 months.
  • Scholarship endowed fund agreement:
    • An endowed fund agreement is prepared to establish the donor's preference for the stipulations of the new scholarship.
  • Ways to give:
    • Cash or check
    • IRA Rollover
    • Stock transfer

Contact Us

If you have any questions about endowed scholarships, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you and answer your questions. You may also download our flyer.
