Caleb Miller
Caleb Miller
cmiller2@messiah.edu (717) 796-1800, ext. 7089
Office: 451 Boyer Hall
Ethics, Epistemology, and Philosophy
of Religion
- Ph.D., Philosophy – University of Notre Dame, 1991
- M.A.T.S., Theology – Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 1983
- B.A., Philosophy and History – Drake University, 1980
- Problems in Philosophy
- History of Philosophy
- Ethics
- Moral Problems
- Epistemology
- Epistemology and Metaphysics
- Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
- Philosophy of Religion
- Modern Philosophy
- Philosophy Seminar
- “How Can You Just Sit There and Let the Innocent Suffer?” Brethren in Christ History and Life 26 (August 2003) 62-80.
- “Realism, Antirealism and Common Sense” in Realism and Antirealism, pp. 13-25. Edited by William P. Alston. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2002.
- “What Does Athens Have to Do with Zurich?: Reflections on Life as an Anabaptist Philosopher" in Minding the Church: Scholarship in the Anabaptist Tradition, pp. 46-58. Edited by David Weaver-Zercher. Telford, Pennsylvania: Pandora Press, 2002.
- “Character-Dependent Duty: An Anabaptist Approach to Ethics" Faith and Philosophy 17 July 2000) 291-303.
- “Creation, Redemption and Virtue” Faith and Philosophy 16 (July 1999) 368-377.
- "Faith and Reason" In Reason for the Hope Within, pp. 135-164. Edited by Michael Murray. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999.
- “What is Wrong with Homosexual Relationships?” Society of Christian Philosophers, Cumberland College, Williamsburg, Kentucky, December 3, 2004
- “The Epistemic Significance of Christian Tradition” Society of Christian Philosophers, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, New York, March 2, 2001.
- “Realism, Anti-Realism and Common Sense” Conference on Realism and Antirealism, Funded by Pew Charitable Trusts, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 27, 2000
- Epistemology of Religious Belief
- Ethics and Public Policy
- Ethics of Homosexuality and Gay Marriage
- Anabaptist Ethics and Political Theory
- 2002 - Present: Professor, Messiah College
- 1996 - 2002: Associate Professor, Messiah College
- 1993 - 1996: Assistant Professor, Messiah College
- 1987-1993: Assistant Professor, Goshen College