Keynote Address: “Deep Reading's Contributions to Humanity in a Digital Culture”
Maryanne Wolf is a scholar, teacher and advocate for children and literacy around the world. She is currently the director of the Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners and Social Justice at UCLA in the School of Education and Information Studies. She has written more than 170 scientific publications, including "Reader, Come Home: the Reading Brain in a Digital Culture" (12 Translations; HarperCollins, 2018). Wolf is also the creator of the RAVE-O Intervention Program for all struggling readers and has received multiple awards for her contributions to the neuroscience of reading. Most recently, she was elected a permanent member of the Pontifical Academy of Science.
Symposium Schedule
All Sessions will be conducted in Boyer 131 except indicated
12–12:45 p.m. ““Can We Live Digitally and Love Our Neighbors?”
Faculty lecture: Chad Frey, Convening Coordinator-Arts, Culture & Society
1–1:45 p.m. “Limited by Design: How Digital Tools Prevent and Promote Human Craft and Mastery”
Student Presentation: Owen Anderson, Sponsored by Timothy Schoettle (biblical, religious & philosophical studies)
2–2:45 p.m. “Imago Dei: Spiritual Self-Portraits in a Digital Era”
Faculty-Student Panel discussion: Sponsored by Tara Stillions Whitehead (communications)
3–3:50 p.m. “Celebrating Faculty Research in the Humanities”
Faculty Flash Session: Matt Roth, Timothy Shea (language, literature & writing), Robin Collins and Devin Manzullo Thomas (biblical, religious and philosophical studies).
4–4:45 p.m. Opening Reception -Howe Atrium
5-5:45 p.m. "Harrisburg Historical: A New Digital App for Exploring the Stories of the Capital Region"
Faculty-Student Panel discussion: Sponsored by David Pettegrew (history, politics & international relations)
6–6:45 p.m. “Mindful Design in Hybrid Collaboration and Digital Interaction”
Faculty–Student Panel discussion: Sponsored by Hong Huo (graphic design & digital media)
7–7:45 p.m. “Loving to Read: Initiating Positive Reading Habits in a Digital Childhood”
Faculty Panel discussion: How do children learn to read and learn to love reading in a digital world? Literacy Education Professor Sarah Fischer, Ph.D., will introduce the science and scholarship surrounding learning to read. Then, a panel consisting of a parent, student, and librarians will discuss the ways in which they have negotiated the challenges and rewards when helping children develop an identity as a reader. Sponsored by Sarah Myers and Janet Vogel. Murray Library
All sessions conducted in Boyer 131 except indicated
10:30–11:15 a.m. “‘To Post or Not to Post?’ Gen Z Multilingual Students’ Habits and Usages of Digital Tools and Digital Identity Construction During Pandemic”
Faculty lecture: Oksana Moroz (language, literature & writing)
11:55–12:40 p.m. “Teaching and Learning with AI”
Faculty Panel Discussion: Faculty members from different disciplines will explore insights from Bowen and Watson's "Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning”. Sponsored by Teaching with AI Professional Learning Community.
1:20–2:05 p.m. “Spaces of Fear in a Photographic Archive: The Sakimura Family in Wartime United States, 7 December 1941-7 May 1942”
Faculty Lecture: Bernardo Michael (history, politics & intl. relations)
2:45-4 p.m. Faculty-Student Colloquium/Faculty Teaching Workshop
2:45–3:20 p.m. “Digital Tools to Build/Maintain Community and Connection with Online and In-Person Learners"
Faculty-Student Colloquium: Sponsored by Lyndsay Grimm and Rachel Fleagle (grad: administration)
3:25–4:00 p.m. “Living Digitally: Strategies to Engage the Chronically Online”
Faculty Teaching Workshop: Sponsored by Karen Harrington (residence life)
7 p.m. Symposium Keynote Address: Maryanne Wolf
“Deep Reading's Contributions to Humanity in a Digital Culture”
Virtual Lecture: Register at https://messiah.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cMgk44ObR3grc34
All sessions conducted in Boyer 131 except indicated.
12:00–12:45 p.m. ““Thy Pixels Have I Hid in My Heart: Considering the Digital Bible”
Faculty lecture: Brian Smith (biblical, religious and philosophical studies)
1–1:45 p.m. “Pod Save the Humanities: Locations of the Liberal Arts in a Digital Age”
Faulty Lecture: Peter Powers (language, literature & Writing)
2–2:45 p.m. ““Reflections on C. S. Lewis’ “The Abolition of Man"
Faulty Lecture: Philip Graybill (engineering)
3–3:50 p.m. “Celebrating Faculty Research in the Humanities”
Faculty Flash Session Oksana Moroz, Stella Ye (language, literature & writing), John Fea (history, politics & Intl. relations), Tara Whitehead (Communications) and Tim Schoettle (biblical, religious and philosophical studies).
4 p.m. Humanities Symposium Dance Concert- “Living Digitally: Responding Physically”
Dance performance and discussion Sponsored by Gregg Hurley (theater and dance) Free event, tickets required
Poorman Black Box Theatre,
Climenhaga Building
5 p.m. Closing Reception
Howe Atrium
8 p.m. Humanities Symposium Dance Concert-“Living Digitally: Responding Physically”
Dance performance and discussion: Sponsored by Gregg Hurley (theater and dance) Free event, tickets required
Poorman Black Box Theatre,
Climenhaga Building