Scientific name: Hygrocybe cantharellus (Schwein.)
Derivation of name: Hygr- means "moisture, wetness"
and cybe means "head."
The genus name, then, means
"wet head." Canthar- means "drinking cup" and
is diminutive. Hence, cantharellus means a "small
drinking cup."
Synonyms: Hygrophorus cantharellus (Schwein.) Fr.
Common name(s): Chanterelle waxy cap.
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Order: Agaricales
Family: Hygrophoraceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic; soiltary or in
groups on the ground or on well-decayed or moss-
covered logs
and stumps; July through October.
Dimensions: Caps 1-3 cm wide; stipes 2.5-9 cm long, 1.5-5
mm thick.
Cap: Scarlet-red fading to orange-red or paler with age.
Gills: Pale yellow to orangish; decurrent.
Spore print: White.
Stipe: Dry, smooth, color of cap; base yellowish to white.
Veil: Absent.
Comments: Although its common name suggests an affinity
with the
chanterelles, this mushroom has sharp-edged gills and
not the blunt
ridges characteristic of the chanterelles. Lincoff
notes that this is one of the few hygrophori that
grow on
decaying wood.
More information at

Figure 1. Several chanterelle waxy caps on rotting wood.
© Dianna Smith.

Figure 2.
Hygrophorus cantharellus. Photo © George

Figure 3. Growing among mosses. Photo
© Dianna Smith.

Figure 4. This is how a specimen of this fungus might
when presented on the tables at a foray. Note
the moss at the base of the stipes.
Photo © Gary Emberger.