Scientific name: Pluteus atromarginatus (Konrad)
Derivation of name: In reference to this genus of
mushrooms, the etymology of Pluteus is difficult to
determine. Atr- means "black" and margin- means "edge"
or "border" (margin). Atromarginatus refers to the dark
gill edges of this species.
Synonyms: Pluteus cervinus subsp. atromarginatus
Common name(s): Black-edged Pluteus.
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Order: Agaricales
Family: Pluteaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic; solitary to
scattered on decaying conifer wood; August through
Dimensions: Caps 3-10 cm wide; stipes 5-10 cm long and
5-15 mm thick.
Cap: Blackish-brown, streaked with flattened black fibers.
Gills: Free; white at first, then salmon when mature; edges
dark brown to black.
Spore print: Salmon-pink.
Stipe: Whitish, coated with small black fibers.
Veil: Absent.
Edibility: Edible.
Comments: This species may be confused with darker
specimens of
Pluteus cervinus but P. cervinus lacks the
dark gill edges and is not usually found on conifer wood.
More information at
Figure 1. The dark brown cap and white, immature gills of
Pluteus atromarginatus. Photo © Steve Nelsen.
Figure 2. Specimens on a collection table at a NEMF foray.
Note the dark fibers on the whitish background color of the
stipe. Photo © Gary Emberger.
![](../images/Pluteus atro2GB.jpg)
Figure 3. Dark brown to black gill edges. Photo ©
George Barron.