Academic-focused related events
- "Cover Design" David Fassett (Dept of Art & Design)
- "What has viewpoint diversity to do with reconciliation?"
- 2024 Fall Engagement Fair
- 2024 Spring Engagement Fair
- A Career in Marketing
- A Conversation on LGBTQ+ Discrimination Lawsuit
- A panel of Messiah alums who work at WebFX
- A Redemptive Vision for Business (University Honors Program)
- Acces France Study Abroad Info Table (Agape Center)
- Accounting Night (CPDC)
- Alumni of Color Panel (CPDC)
- American Democracy Lecture
- American Democracy Lecture (Dept of History)
- American Democracy Lecture (Dept. of HPIR)
- American Democracy Lecture (Dept. of HPIR)
- An in-depth look at the National Museum of African American Music
- Art & Design Ceramics Sale (Dept of Art and Design)
- Artist's Book Augmented Reality Exhibition (Dept of Art and Design)
- Author/Illustrator Don Tate Book Talk and Signing (Murray Library)
- Awards ceremony and closing reception: Juried Student Art Exhibition 2022-2023
- Baltimore Urban Studies Info Table (Agape Center)
- Banned Books Week (Murray Library)
- Beginner's Dinner (Sign Language Club)
- Beginner's Dinner (Sign Language Club)
- Beginner's Dinner (Sign Language Club)
- Beginner's Dinner (Sign Language Club)
- Beyond the Ceiling Breakfast with President Phipps
- Beyond the Ceiling: Wisdom for Your 20s
- Bias in the Stacks: Seeking Justice on the Shelves
- Bibliotherapy with Dr. Burchard
- Biden's Agenda on Climate Change
- Biological Sciences Special Seminar Series (Sigma Zeta National Math and Science Honors Society)
- Biological Sciences, Special Seminar Series (Sigma Zeta National Math & Science NHS)
- Boundaries, Conflict, and Bundt Cakes (MCFR)
- Breaking the Barrier: Medical Communication without Words
- BSU Initiative
- BSU Week of Allyship
- BSU/SAB Excursion
- Camp Days (CPDC)
- Camp Days! Career Fair for Summer Camps (CPDC)
- Career & Internship Expo
- Career Conversation with Liz Ponzio '10, Content Researcher at Gallagher & Associates and Exhibit Coordinator for the National Museum of African American Music
- Career Expo
- Career EXPO (CPDC)
- Career Expo (CPDC)
- Career Insights from Alumni Physicians: Biological Sciences Seminar Series (Sigma Zeta)
- Career Roundtables (HDFS)
- Caring about Equity, the Environment and the Economy: An Interdisciplinary Conversation in Sustainability
- Chorister’s Workshop 2023 (Dept of Music)
- Church Fair (SGA & Campus Ministries)
- Coffee and Compost (Office of Sustainability)
- Coffee, Cookies, and Conversation with Dr. Christopher Jahraus, Radiation Oncologist
- Collage Night: Civil Unrest in Iran (HRA)
- College Life Hacks (Res Life)
- Communication/Media/Arts Virtual Recruiting Event
- Considering a Major Change? You're Not Alone (CPDC)
- Controversies Surrounding FIFA in Qatar 2022 Debate Night
- Course Highlight: ART 308 Installation Art
- CPDC: "An Inside Look at Careers in Law – A Virtual Conversation & Discussion with Messiah Alumni"
- CPDC: Accounting Night
- CPDC: Camp Days
- CPDC: Career Expo
- CPDC: Career Expo Prep & Resume Reviews
- CPDC: Career Expo Prep & Resume Reviews
- CPDC: Considering a Major Change? You're Not Alone
- CPDC: Grad School Fair
- CPDC: Info Session with Dauphin County Social Services for Children and Youth
- CPDC: Into the City DC Info Session
- CPDC: Into the City DC Info Session
- CPDC: Into the City Mini Lancaster Extravaganza
- CPDC: Into the City Washington DC Application Due Date
- CPDC: Into the City: Charlotte, NC Info Session
- CPDC: Ministry & Missions Fair
- CPDC: Mocktails
- CPDC: Pizza with Professionals w/ Blake Lynch, Senior VP and Chief Impact Officer at WITF Public Media
- CPDC: Pizza with Professionals w/ Mark Hunsberger '11, Director of Education and Youth Symphony Administrator, Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra
- CPDC: Pizza with Professionals with Rachel Alden '09, Digital Products Manager at Sheetz
- CPDC: Pizza with Professionals with US, PA, and West Shore Chambers of Commerce
- CPDC: Pizza with Professionals, Milton Hershey School & Catherine Hershey Schools for Early Learning
- CPDC: Police Academy Site Visit
- CPDC: Service Learning & Internship Fair
- CPDC: Stryker Information Session
- CPDC: Tailgating for Jobs
- CTF Night (Cybirds)
- CulturCONNECT 2023 Lecture (Dept of Comm.)
- Culture Connect (Dept of Communication)
- CultureCONNECT (Dept of COMM)
- CultureConnect (Dept of Communication)
- Dauphin County Social Services for Children & Youth (CPDC)
- Department of Communications: Evocation
- Department of HDFS: Career Alumni Panel
- Dietetic Internship Panel
- Discussion on Income Inequality in the United States
- Discussion on International Issues
- Documentary Series Showing: High on the Hog
- EAMU: Book Blog
- Earth Day: Social Ecology, the Political Philosophy of Murray Bookchin (MU Progressives)
- Economic and Health Impact of COVID-19 on the LGBT+ Community
- Effective Instrumental Rehearsal Techniques
- Election Prayer Gathering
- Exam Cram (Murray Library)
- Exam Cram (Murray Library)
- Exam Cram (Murray Library)
- Explore: A Conversation About . . .the Bible
- Exploring Applied Health Careers at Kennedy Krieger Institute
- Exploring Civil Rights Through Artifacts: David Crane at Messiah University (Murray Library/Messiah Press)
- Faculty Panel on the Sexual Revolution (Honors Program)
- Faculty reading: Matthew Roth (poetry) and Tara Whitehead (fiction) (Dept of Lang.)
- Faith and Food talk wiht Krista Yoder Latortue
- Faith in the Workplace with Mina Choi and Chia Lo
- Faith Informed Classroom Management in the Music Classroom (NAfME)
- Fall 2022 Off-Campus Programs Recruitment Fair (Agape Center)
- Fall 2023 Off-Campus Programs Recruitment Fair (Agape Center)
- Fall Photo Contest
- Falling for Real: A Guide to Authentic Relationships (MCFR)
- Fiction reading: Dionne Irving (Dept of Lang.)
- Finals Prep Pop-Up (SAB)
- Financial Wellness Week (Student Financial Services Office)
- Food Security Trivia (HRA)
- Fueld by Failure: Unlikely Paths to Success
- Fueled by Failure (Office of Student Success)
- Fueled By Failure Student Panel Event (Murray Library & Office of Student Success)
- Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Info Session
- Gender Identity (SAGE Prism)
- Government/Non-Profit/ Virtual Recruiting Event
- Grad School Fair & Luncheon (CPDC)
- Grad School Fair (CPDC)
- Grad School Luncheon (CPDC)
- HDFS: Careers in Educational Contexts Roundtables
- Health & Human Services Virtual Recruiting Event
- Human Library
- Human Library (Office of Diversity Affairs and Murray Library)
- Humanities Symposium Panel event
- Inaugural Seed Library Lecture (Murray Library Seed Library)
- Info Session with Magisterial District Judge Jennifer Clancy (CPDC)
- Info Tables: Study Abroad with ISA/World Strides and SCIO in Oxford (Agape Center)
- Information on National Scholarships and Fellowships for Humanities and Social Science Majors
- Information on National Scholarships and Fellowships for STEM Majors
- Information Session on Prestigious Scholarships and Fellowships in STEM (Honors Program)
- Information Session on Prestigious Scholarships and Fellowships in the Humanities (Honors Program)
- Informational Table For LCC International University in Lithuania (Agape Center)
- International Celebration of Women and Girls in Science Day
- International Student Teaching Panel (EAMU)
- Internship Information Meeting
- Internship Information Meeting
- Into the City Denver Info Session (CPDC)
- Into The City Mini Trip - Quality Greenhouses (CPDC)
- Into the City Mini Trip to Milton Hershey School & Catherine Hershey School (CPDC)
- Into the City Mini: Catholic Charities Immigration and Refugee Services
- Into the City Mini: Longwood Gardens
- Into the City Nashville - Application Due Date
- Into the City Nashville Info Session
- Into the City Philadelphia Info Session (CPDC)
- Into the City: Boston Info Session (CPDC)
- Investment Club Meeting
- IoT Talk by Dr. Suberi (Cybirds)
- Job Search Webinar
- Juried Student Art Exhibition 2022-2023
- Juried Student Art Exhibition 2022-2023 Awards Ceremony and Reception
- Just Peace: Stories from Israel & Palestine (SGA)
- Just Peace: Stories from Israel & Palestine (SGA)
- Just War, Peace Traditions, and Maturity in Christian Thought (Honors Program)
- Katelynn Smith Senior Voice Recital (Dept of Music)
- Kitty Town Coffee Career Info Session
- Kitty Town Coffee Tasting
- lecture by Dr. Noreen Herzfeld "Cybernetic Enhancement and the Problem of the Self"
- Lecture on "Christian Reflections on Success, Ambition, and Achievement"
- Library BINGO (Office of Sustainability)
- Library Treasure Hunt (for First Year/Transfer Students)
- Life Hacks (Res Life)
- Life Hacks-Upper Class (Res Life)
- Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream (Chemistry Club)
- Lithuania Study Abroad Info Session (Agape Center)
- Live Career Chat with Sustainability Alumni
- Lunch and Learn with Gary Reneker (Murray Library Seed Library)
- Lunch and Learn: Medicinal Plants
- Lunch and Learn: Spotted Lanternfly
- Lunch with a Leader: Kris Sledge '13, Lead Pastor, Journey Church
- Maintaining a Gigging and Teaching Career
- MappdCon 2023 (Pre-Health Club)
- March for Life
- Marketing U Workshop #1: Resume&LinkedIn
- Marketing U Workshop #2: Interviewing&Networking
- Marketing U Workshop #3: Job Search & Life Skills
- Marketing U Workshop #3: Job Search & Life Skills
- Marking Dead Trees
- MCC Open Council
- MCFR Career Panel
- Media Representation (SAGE Prism)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet a Librarian (Murray Library)
- Meet the Elects Night (SGA)
- Messiah Games Association: Involvement Seminar
- Milestones in LGBT+ History
- Minds Matter: Relationship Panel
- Mini Golf in the Stacks
- Ministry & Mission Fair (CPDC)
- Missional Professions: Infusing Missionary Purpose into Everyday Professions (Increase Theology)
- Mix & Mingle
- Mock Interview Day
- Mocktails (CPDC)
- Mocktails (CPDC)
- Mocktails (Parent & Alumni Relations and CPDC)
- Movie Night with Dr. Putz
- Movie Showing: Crip Camp
- Multicultural Alumni Panel (CPDC)
- Music Networking Lunch (SAB)
- National History Day, awards ceremony zoom
- National Library Week
- National Library Week
- New Zealand Informational Zoom Session 3pm Wednesday, March 1 (Agape Center)
- Nursing Students: Baltimore Urban Studies Info Dinner (Agape Center)
- Off-Campus Programs Fair (Agape Center)
- Off-Campus Programs Fair (Agape Center)
- Open Council
- Ordinary Saints: Music, Poetry, Paintings Performance and Artist's Talk
- Oregon Extension Information Session (Agape Center)
- Pages in Peace: A Read-What-You-Want Book Club (Murray Library)
- Pages in Peace: A Read-What-You-Want Book Club (Murray Library)
- Pages in Peace: A Read-What-You-Want Book Club (Murray Library)
- Panel on Maintaining a Private Music Studio (NAfME)
- Parallel Experience: Virtual Game
- Passover Seder Meal (Honors Program)
- Passport Service Day (Agape Center)
- Peace Talk with Luiza Cliver (Peace Fellowship)
- Peace Talk with Paula - Hear from a PACS Alum: What is she Doing Now?
- Pedagogy Workshop with Nancy Bretch: Sponsored by the Capitol Area Music Teachers Association of MTNA
- Philosophy, Science, and God Panel Discussion
- Pie! Eat Some and Throw one at a Professor! (Chemistry Club)
- Pizza with Professionals - Milton Hershey School
- Pizza with Professionals, Joni & Friends (CPDC)
- Pizza with Professionals: Abby Pepitone '20, Social Media Coordinator, Lancaster Cupcake
- Pizza with Professionals: Diana Cooney '07, Assistant Director of Employee Experience at Hershey Entertainment and Resorts
- Pizza with Professionals: Diana Cooney '07, Assistant Director of Employee Experience at Hershey Entertainment and Resorts
- Pizza with Professionals: Publishing Panel (CPDC)
- Pizza with Professionals: Tara Piechowicz '12, Deputy Chief of Staff for Governor Tom Wolf
- Pizza with Professionals: WebFX
- Pop Up Student Art Show
- Presidential Candidate Town Hall / Debate (SGA)
- Presidential Debate (Honors Program)
- Prestigious Scholarships Information Meeting
- Professional Development Meeting (National Association for Music Education)
- Professor Appreciation Pop-Up (SAB)
- Progress on Restorinf the Eastern Hellbender to the Susquehanna River Watershed
- PRSSA: Semester Kick-Off Trivia Night
- Pulse Open House
- Pups and Profs (MU Honors Program's Harbor House)
- QERC in Costa Rica Informational Zoom Session (Agape Center)
- QERC Study Abroad Info Session (Agape Center)
- RA Information Sessions
- RA Information Sessions
- Reconciling Political Thought
- Reconsideration Station (CPDC)
- Rezumania, Career Expo Prep (CPDC)
- Rezumania, Tailgating for Jobs Fair Prep (CPDC)
- Rhetoric of the Refugee
- Round Table Dinner and Discussion
- SAB Hiring Informational Meeting
- SAB Info Night
- SAGE (Taylor's Verision)
- SAGE Prism- Radical Reconciliation: A Discussion
- SAGE Prism: Mental Health among LGBT+
- SAGE Prism: Navigating the Healthcare System
- SAGE Prism: What's The Plus
- Schindler’s List (1993)
- Scholarship Reception
- Seed Library Lunch and Learn with Mt. Airy Orchards
- Senior Exhibition I (Dept of Art & Design)
- Senior Exhibition I Opening Reception
- Senior Exhibition I Reception (Dept of Art & Design)
- Senior Exhibition II (Dept of Art & Design)
- Senior Exhibition II Opening Reception
- Senior Exhibition II Reception (Dept of Art & Design)
- Senior Portrait Sittings
- SGA Candidate Debate Night
- Sign Language Club - Beginners
- Site Visit: PA General Assembly (CPDC)
- Small Press Chapbook Launch Party (ENGL 321)
- Social Media Training
- Spain Zoom Info Session with Kyle Shively (Agape Center)
- Spring Engagement Fair
- Spring Leadership & Involvement Fair
- Spring Networking Event
- Spring Off-Campus Programs Fair (Agape Center)
- Spring Off-Campus Programs Recruitment Fair (Agape Center)
- STEM Day at Messiah (Cybirds)
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Study Abroad in Lithuania! Info Zoom Session! (Agape Center)
- Study Abroad in Orvieto, Italy! - Zoom Info Session (Agape Center)
- Study abroad in Shanghai with CIEE! Online Info Session (Agape Center)
- Study Abroad in Spain: Informational Session/Q and A (Agape Center)
- Study Abroad Lithuania (Agape Center)
- Study Abroad with Accès France: Info Table (Agape Center)
- Study Abroad with Accès France: Online Info Session (Agape Center)
- Study Abroad with LCC in Lithuania: Info Table (Agape Center)
- Study Abroad with Temple Rome in Italy! - Info Session (Agape Center)
- Study in Costa Rica! QERC Zoom Session 4 pm on Thursday, March 21 (Agape Center)
- Temple Rome Info Session (Agape Center)
- The Vote is in the Mail: The Impact of Electoral Systems on the Electoral College
- Trivia Night (Murray Library)
- Welcome Picnic (Peace Fellowship)
- Women in Science Celebration (Sigma Zeta, National Math and Science HS)
- Writing Nights (Writing Center)
- Writing Nights (Writing Center)
- “Body, Beauty and Brokenness" Bruce Herman (Dept of Art & Design)
- “Chat-GPT: where it came from, what it does, and how to realize its potential for the liberal arts” Presentation by Nathan Bos (Honors Program)