Advocacy-focused related events
- "Unplanned" Movie Night & Discussion (Advocates for Life)
- A Conversation On Colorism and Skin Bleaching
- A Conversation on LGBTQ+ Discrimination Lawsuit
- A Conversation with Messiah Alum Rebekah Glick
- A Conversation with PA State Representative Malcolm Kenyatta (MU Democrats)
- A Conversation with Senate Candidate Heather MacDonald
- A Discussion on Educational Inequality (MU Democrats)
- A Discussion on Gun Control (MU Democrats)
- A Discussion on Reforming the Justice System (MU Democrats)
- A Discussion on Socialism and the Left (MU Democrats)
- A Discussion on the Black Lives Matter Movement and Defunding the Police (MU Democrats)
- A Meeting with PA State Representative Brian Sims
- ADHD Addressed (Minds Matter)
- Advocacy Day (HRA)
- Advocates for Life: Pro Life Testimony
- Allies Panel
- American Democracy Lecture (Dept of History)
- An Evening with Dr. Brad Wilcox (Honors Program)
- Anti-Trafficking Training (HRA)
- Apologetics 101
- Balloon Darts (Minds Matter)
- Beginner's Dinner (Sign Language Club)
- Beyond the Ceiling Breakfast with President Phipps
- Biden's Agenda on Climate Change
- Book Swap (Office of Sustainability)
- BSU Education Initatives
- BSU Initiative
- BSU MCC Open Council/Civil Discourse
- BSU Week of Allyship
- Caring about Equity, the Environment and the Economy: An Interdisciplinary Conversation in Sustainability
- Carnations to Celebrate Women
- Choose Your Path: An Interactive Experience with SFS
- Civil Discourse Series: Universal Healthcare
- Climate Change: A Topic for All
- Climate Strike (MU Democrats)
- Coffee and Compost (Office of Sustainability)
- Collage Night: Civil Unrest in Iran (HRA)
- Compost & Coffee (Office of Sustainability)
- Compost Challenge (Office of Sustainability)
- Connecting Communities: Housing & Neighboring
- Controversies Surrounding FIFA in Qatar 2022 Debate Night
- Conversations in Courage: A Reflection on Race and Justice,
- Create and Conversate: Paint Night (Minds Matter)
- Creative Prison Foods (Phi Alpha)
- Crochet and Cocoa (HRA)
- Crochet and Cocoa (HRA)
- CSA: Island Vibes
- Cupcakes for Life
- Current Events and Collaging (HRA)
- Debate Night (SGA)
- Destress Fest (Minds Matter)
- Destress Fest (Minds Matter)
- Destress Fest (Minds Matter)
- Disability Panel (HRA)
- Diwali Dance (ASA)
- Documentary Showing with African Student Union
- Dominic Gomez: Stories from the Middle East (MU Democrats)
- Down Syndrome Pop-Up (Minds Matter)
- Dr. Scott: Politics, Faith, and Active Service
- Dress Thrift and Flip (HRA)
- Dyslexia and Dyspraxia Details (Minds Matter)
- Earth Day: Social Ecology, the Political Philosophy of Murray Bookchin (MU Progressives)
- Economic and Health Impact of COVID-19 on the LGBT+ Community
- Effective Instrumental Rehearsal Techniques
- Emmett Till Screening
- Epilepsy Awareness Table
- Excursion to learn from businesses that care about equity, the environment and the economy
- Fact Checking the Candidates- Democracy 2024 (Conservatives of MU)
- Food Security Trivia (HRA)
- Gender Identity (SAGE Prism)
- Getting to know your Muslim Neighbor
- God of Liberation: A Faith Perspective on Human Rights (HRA)
- Harp and Bowl (Student Ministries)
- HRA and the MU Democrats Present: Immigration and the Government
- HRA Movie Night: Watchers of the Sky
- Human Library
- Human Library
- Human Trafficking Simulation (Phi Alpha)
- Immigration: Journey through the Biblical Perspective (HRA)
- Inaugural Seed Library Lecture (Murray Library Seed Library)
- Info Dump Powerpoint Night (Minds Matter)
- International Celebration of Women and Girls in Science Day
- International Day of Peace Commemoration
- International Day of Sign Language Celebration
- International Gala 2019: Celebrating our legacy.
- Jasper 'n Java
- Just Peace: Stories from Israel & Palestine (SGA)
- Just Peace: Stories from Israel & Palestine (SGA)
- Kindness Day Pop Up event
- Kitchen Swap (Office of Sustainability)
- Kitchen Swap (Office of Sustainability)
- Know Your Rights: On Deportation (HRA)
- Life Hacks (Res Life)
- Lisburn Road Cleanup (Office of Sustainability)
- Living Museum: Plurality of Identity
- Maintaining a Gigging and Teaching Career
- March for Life
- March for Life Harrisburg (Advocates for Life)
- MCC Info/Education Night @ Grantham Church
- MCC Open Council
- MCFR's Guide: How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk
- Media Representation (SAGE Prism)
- Meet the Elects Night (SGA)
- Messiah Games Association: Involvement Seminar
- Milestones in LGBT+ History
- Minds Matter Meeting
- Minds Matter Open Office Hours
- Minds Matter: Banquet Initiative Member Meeting
- Minds Matter: DIY Fidget Night
- Minds Matter: Engagement Pop-Up
- Minds Matter: Got Mail?
- Minds Matter: Relationship Panel
- Mindz Matter’z Meet the Team Memberz
- Movie Medley: Observing How LGBT+ Relationships are Portrayed in Cinema
- Movie Night: Unplanned
- Movie Showing: Crip Camp
- NAFME Christmas Party
- Name in Braille - Minds Matter
- Naturalization Simulation
- Neo-Colonialism Bingo w/ HRA
- Neurodiversity Fair (Mind's Matter)
- Neurodiversity Fair (Minds Matter)
- Neurodiversity Fair (Minds Matter)
- Neurodiversity Support Group (Minds Matter)
- Neurodiversity Trivia (Minds Matter)
- Open Council I: Am I Invited?
- Open Council I: More Than A Month: What Comes After Black History Month?
- Open Council I: Not Just A Month
- Open Council II: Sexual Assault and Healing
- Open Council III
- Open Council: First Generation Americans
- Open House (Student Financial Services)
- Paint Party (Minds Matter)
- Peace Talk with Luiza Cliver (Peace Fellowship)
- Peacebuilding and Nonviolence in Palestine: A Talk with Jonathan Kuttab (HRA)
- Plant Giveaway (Office of Sustainability)
- Playdoh for Disability Awareness Day
- Pray Away Film Showing
- Prayer Night (Advocates for Life)
- Prayer Night for the Sahel Region (HRA)
- Presidential Debate (Honors Program)
- Pro-Life Story Night
- Revolutionary: Judy Heumann on Disability Rights, Youth Activism, & Storytelling as a Tool for Change! (Office of Academic Accessibility)
- Rock Painting Party (Office of Academic Success)
- S.A. Survivor Candlelight Vigil
- SAGE (Taylor's Verision)
- SAGE Prism- Radical Reconciliation: A Discussion
- SAGE Prism: Mental Health among LGBT+
- SAGE Prism: Navigating the Healthcare System
- SAGE Prism: What's The Plus
- Scare Away Stigma (Minds Matter)
- Self Love Paint Night (Minds Matter)
- Sensory Friendly Game Night (Minds Matter)
- Service Drive (HRA & Falcons for Freedom)
- SGA Candidate Debate Night
- SGA/HRA Civil Discourse: Immigration
- SGA: Civil Discourse Panel
- SGA: Governance Review Council
- SGA: Governance Review Council
- SGA: Student Senate
- Social Media Training
- Sow and Grow (Murray Library Seed Library)
- Spread the Word to End the Word
- Squid Game (ASA)
- Story Spotlight Night (Minds Matter)
- Student Action for Palestine (MU Democrats)
- Sustain-A-Fest
- Sustain-A-fest (Office of Sustainability)
- Sustainable Business Panel (Office of Sustainability)
- Sustainable Move-Out (Office of Sustainability)
- Swap & Mend
- Swap N' Mend (Office of Sustainability)
- Swap N' Mend (Office of Sustainability)
- T-Shirt Bag Making (Office of Sustainability)
- Table Talk: Ethics of Fighting for Human Rights
- Tea-ology
- Thank You Thursday (Office of Student Success & Student Finical Services)
- The American Dream with Boris Epshteyn
- The Great Give Back (Agape Center)
- THREADS: A Pop-Up Thrift Store
- Town Hall with Operations (SGA)
- Tree Planting On Campus (Sustainability)
- Tricks or Treats: A spooky season conversation on the signs of unhealthy & healthy relationships (SAGE)
- Valentine's Day Card Making (Office of Sustainability)
- Vinyl Painting (Minds Matter)
- Waking Up White
- We Matter Showcase
- What is F-1? (SGA & MISP)