Cultural related events
- Opening Reception - In Conversation: Hong Huo Exhibition
- "Dreams and Fears" Evan Summer (Dept of Art & Design)
- "Dreams and Fears" Evan Summer- Artist's Talk & Reception
- 2024 Fall Engagement Fair
- 2024 Spring Engagement Fair
- A Celebration and Reception of the Life and Art of Aimee West Cardoso
- A Conversation On Colorism and Skin Bleaching
- A Length of Time: A Retrospect of Works by Donald and Christine Forsythe
- Advent Scripture and song service (Honors Program)
- Afro-Caribbean Dance
- Alumni of Color Panel
- American Democracy Lecture
- American Democracy Lecture (Dept of History)
- American Democracy Lecture (Dept. of HPIR)
- American Democracy Lecture (Dept. of HPIR)
- An Evening with Dr. Brad Wilcox (Honors Program)
- Annual Student Juried Exhibition
- Anti-Asian Violence Discussion
- Around the World Food Tour (SGA & MCC)
- Around the World Food Tour (SGA)
- Art & Design Ceramics Sale (Dept of Art and Design)
- Artist Talk and Reception: Maeve Leslie
- Artist's Talk and Reception - "Following the Pattern" Travis Donovan
- Arts Invasion 2024
- ASA: Diwali Night
- Asian Student Association: Bollywood Nite!
- ASU Living Springs Church Trip
- ASU Lottie Collab
- ASUxCSA Fusion Dance
- Author/Illustrator Don Tate Book Talk and Signing (Murray Library)
- Awards ceremony and closing reception: Juried Student Art Exhibition 2022-2023
- Awards ceremony and closing reception: Juried Student Art Exhibition 2023-2024
- Baila
- Baila (La Alianza Latina)
- Beginner's Dinner (Sign Language Club)
- Beginner's Dinner (Sign Language Club)
- Bias in the Stacks: Seeking Justice on the Shelves
- Black Student Union: Hair Expo
- Brenton Good: Meetings and Returns Exhibition
- BSU Bingo Night
- BSU Family Feud!
- BSU Hair Expo
- BSU Initiative
- BSU Lottie Dinner
- BSU MCC Open Council/Civil Discourse
- BSU Week of Allyship
- BSU x SGA Black Owned Food Fest
- BSU/SAB Excursion
- BSU: We Matter Showcase
- Cancel Culture Discussion (SAB)
- Celebrating Lunar New Year
- Celebrating Lunar New Year
- Celebrating Lunar New Year
- Celebration of Lunar New Year
- Christmas Music in the Library
- Civil Discourse Series: Universal Healthcare
- Class Exhibition: Approaches to Abstraction
- Collection Spotlight: Florence Portfolio (Dept of Art & Design)
- Compliment Day (SAB)
- Conversations in Courage: A Reflection on Race and Justice,
- Course Highlight: ART 308 Installation Art
- CPDC: Into the City: Charlotte, NC Info Session
- CPDC: Tailgating for Jobs
- Craft and Destress (SAB)
- CSA Lock In/Game Night!
- CSA: Island Vibes
- CulturCONNECT 2023 Lecture (Dept of Comm.)
- Culture Connect (Dept of Communication)
- CultureCONNECT (Dept of COMM)
- Current Events and Collaging (HRA)
- Diwali (ASA)
- Diwali Dance (ASA)
- Documentary Series Showing: High on the Hog
- Documentary Showing with African Student Union
- Economic and Health Impact of COVID-19 on the LGBT+ Community
- Emmett Till Screening
- Excursion to learn from businesses that care about equity, the environment and the economy
- Faculty reading: Matthew Roth (poetry) and Tara Whitehead (fiction) (Dept of Lang.)
- Fall 2022 Off-Campus Programs Recruitment Fair (Agape Center)
- Fiction reading: Dionne Irving (Dept of Lang.)
- Gallery Reception: Printmaking
- Getting to know your Muslim Neighbor
- God of Liberation: A Faith Perspective on Human Rights (HRA)
- Hair Expo
- Hair Expo! (BSU)
- Halloween Trivia (SAB)
- Handwriting | Jeff Morton: Artist Talk & Reception
- Harvest Moon Festival (ASA & ISA)
- Harvest Moon Festival (ASA)
- Henna Night
- Henna Night
- Hispanic Heritage Pop Up (Agape Center)
- Hispanic Heroes Celebration (Dept. of Language, Literature and Writing)
- Hope Revealed: Aimee West Cardoso Exhibition
- Human Library
- Human Library
- Humanities Symposium Panel event
- In Conversation: Hong Huo Exhibition
- International Gala (International Student Association)
- International Gala 2019: Celebrating our legacy.
- International Gala 2020
- International Gala: Come as you are (ISA/MuKappa)
- Into the City Denver Info Session (CPDC)
- Island Vibes (CSA)
- Juried Student Art Exhibition 2022-2023
- Juried Student Art Exhibition 2022-2023 Awards Ceremony and Reception
- Just Peace: Stories from Israel & Palestine (SGA)
- Just Peace: Stories from Israel & Palestine (SGA)
- Karibu (ASU)
- Karibu Night
- Kathryn Yoder '19 Gallery Reception
- Kickoff Black History Month with ACDA!
- Kitchen Swap (Office of Sustainability)
- Kitty Town Coffee Career Info Session
- Kitty Town Coffee Tasting
- LAL Event
- Listening Ears: Intentional Dialouge in Politics (SAB)
- Lunar New Year (Asian Student Association)
- Lunar New Year Celebration (ASA)
- Maeve Leslie
- March Magazine Launch (The Pulse)
- MCC Open Council
- MCC Where to Next: Memory Lane
- MCC’s International Gala
- Messiah Smash League (Esports)
- Mocktails (CPDC)
- Movie Medley: Observing How LGBT+ Relationships are Portrayed in Cinema
- Neo-Colonialism Bingo w/ HRA
- Nisly Endowment / Poets & Writers Series
- Open Council I: Am I Invited?
- Open Council I: More Than A Month: What Comes After Black History Month?
- Open Council II: Christianity around the World: My Brown Jesus
- Open Council: First Generation Americans
- Ordinary Saints: Music, Poetry, Paintings Performance and Artist's Talk
- Oscars watch party (SAB)
- Panel on the Influence of Jordan Peterson (Honors Program)
- Passover Seder Meal (Honors Program)
- Peacebuilding and Nonviolence in Palestine: A Talk with Jonathan Kuttab (HRA)
- Plant Giveaway (Office of Sustainability)
- Poetry Reading: Adrienne Su
- Pop Up Student Art Show
- Reception A Length of Time: A Retrospect of Works by Donald and Christine Forsythe
- Reception Brenton Good: Meetings and Returns
- Reception Sean Matthews: Histories
- Reception Senior Art Educator Exhibition
- Reception Senior Exhibition I: B.A. Studio Art
- Reception Senior Exhibition II B.F.A. Graphic Design & B.F.A. Studio Art
- Reception: Senior Art Educator Exhibition
- Rhetoric of the Refugee
- Rise Retreat
- SAB Black History Month Giveaway
- SAB Cultural Engagement: Political Correctness Discussion
- SAB Harrisburg Excursion
- SAB Just Mercy Dinner and Discussion
- SAB Presents: Demo Expo
- SAB Presents: Eat Ur Heart Out Poetry Night
- SAB Women's History Ice Cream Social
- SAB: Coffee & Common Ground
- SAB: Poetry Night
- SAGE Prism meeting - Beyonce Renaissance discussion
- SAGE Prism: What's The Plus
- Screening of the new film, "The 21" and panel discussion (Honors Program)
- Sean Matthews: Histories
- Senior Art Educator Exhibition
- Senior Art Educator Exhibition
- Senior Exhibition I (Dept of Art & Design)
- Senior Exhibition I Opening Reception
- Senior Exhibition I Reception (Dept of Art & Design)
- Senior Exhibition I: B.A. Studio Art
- Senior Exhibition II (Dept of Art & Design)
- Senior Exhibition II B.F.A. Graphic Design & B.F.A. Studio Art
- Senior Exhibition II Opening Reception
- Senior Exhibition II Reception (Dept of Art & Design)
- Sign Language Club - Beginners
- Sign Language Club - Intermediates
- Sign Language Club Halloween Party
- Sign Language Showcase: Stories and Songs
- Special Documentary Screening: “The Underground Railroad and Abolitionists Throughout South Central Pennsylvania” (History Program)
- Squid Game (ASA)
- Steve Prince: Artist in Residence
- Study abroad in Shanghai with CIEE! Online Info Session (Agape Center)
- Super Bowl watch party (SAB)
- Tell Your Story Collage (SAB)
- VOCES8 (Performing Arts Series)
- Waking Up White
- Water Bottle Decorating (SAB)
- We Matter Showcase
- We Matter Showcase
- Welcome Picnic (Peace Fellowship)
- What is F-1? (SGA & MISP)
- “Body, Beauty and Brokenness" Bruce Herman (Dept of Art & Design)
- “Landscape and Memory” Michelle Mackey and Lex Thomas (Dept of Art & Design)