Excursions / Outdoors related events
- Aerial Tour at Roundtop
- Animals at Messiah: Reception and Excursion
- ASU Living Springs Church Trip
- Baltimore Aquarium
- BANFF Film Festival
- Banff Film Festival
- Bouldering Wall Re-Opening!
- Bouldering Wall Re-Opening!
- BSU/SAB Excursion
- Camino 5k
- Climate Strike (MU Democrats)
- Climbing at Pond Banks
- Climbing at White Rocks
- Climbnasium
- Climbnasium
- Climbnasium
- Climbnasium
- Community Dinner Night (ASA)
- CPDC: Camp Days
- CPDC: Camp Days
- CPDC: Into the City: Charlotte, NC Info Session
- Decade Thrift Challenge + Bowling night! (History Club)
- Destress Fest
- Edible and Medicinal Plant Walk
- Excursion to learn from businesses that care about equity, the environment and the economy
- Fall Photo Contest
- Fun Fest & Food Truck Frenzy
- Garden Volunteer Hour
- Garden Volunteer Opportunity
- Harvest Moon Festival (ASA & ISA)
- High Ropes Course
- Hiking at Blue Mountain
- Inaugural Seed Library Lecture (Murray Library Seed Library)
- Kayaking
- Kayaking
- Kayaking on the Breeches
- Kayaking on the Breeches
- Lisburn Road Cleanup (Office of Sustainability)
- Loft On-Lead Bible Study
- Lunch and Learn: DIY Van Lodging (Office of Sustainability)
- March for Life
- Messiah Survivor: Expedition
- Messiah Survivor: Expedition
- Mountain Biking at Raystown
- Office of Sustainability: Community Picnic Night
- Office of Sustainability: Community Picnic Night
- Open Bike Shop Hours
- Pokemon Go Event
- Rock Climbing SAB Excursion
- SAB Broadway trip to Hamilton
- SAB Goat Yoga Excursion
- SAB Presents: Midtown Excursion
- SAB Quest Kick-Off Event
- SAB Quest sign-ups
- SAB Record Store Crawl
- SAB Record Store Crawl Sign-ups
- SAB Skyzone Excursion
- SGA/SAB Excursion: Take Me Out to the Ballgame
- Site Visit: PA General Assembly (CPDC)
- Sow and Grow (Murray Library Seed Library)
- Squid Game (ASA)
- Tree Planting
- Tree Planting On Campus (Sustainability)