Faith-related related events
- Wittlinger Chapel Series: “Peace is a Practice” with Paula Holtzinger
- "A Confession that Will Change Your Life" - with Guest Speaker Dr. Mark Meyer (Increase Theology Club)
- "A Fierce, Urgent, and Wonderful Hope" with Sivin Kit
- "Character" with Josh Calderon (Parmer Hall)
- "Community" with Antonio Morton
- "Fan or Follower?" with Kent Chevalier
- "For the Healing of the World" with Sivin Kit
- "Heavy Metal Nursing: A Reading"
- "Practice" with Julia Wittel (Parmer Hall)
- "Stay here. Feel this. Notes on Wonder" with Scott Frey
- "What is Your Foundation?" with Kent Chevalier
- 2024 Fall Engagement Fair
- 2024 Spring Engagement Fair
- 4x4s - First Wave, Week 1
- 4x4s - First Wave, Week 2
- 4x4s - First Wave, Week 3
- 4x4s - First Wave, Week 4
- 4x4s - Second Wave, Week 1
- 4x4s - Second Wave, Week 2
- 4x4s - Second Wave, Week 3
- 4x4s - Second Wave, Week 4
- A Christian Perspective on Critical Race Theory
- A Redemptive Vision for Business (University Honors Program)
- Acclamation Dance Ministry Showcase
- Acclamation Dance Ministry Showcase
- Acclamation Dance Ministry Trial Week
- Advent Scripture and song service (Honors Program)
- Advent Scripture and Song Service (Honors Program)
- Altar (Student Ministries)
- Altar (Student Ministries)
- Altar (Student Ministries)
- Altar (Student Ministries)
- Altar (Student Ministries)
- Altar (Student Ministries)
- Altar (Student Ministries)
- Altar (Student Ministries)
- Anchored- Acclamation's Spring Dance Concert
- Anchored- Acclamation's Spring Dance Concert
- Anti-Trafficking Training (HRA)
- AROMA: Winter Blast Youth Retreat
- AROMA: Winter Blast Youth Retreat
- AROMA: Youth Basketball Half-time Devotionals
- ASU Living Springs Church Trip
- Bible Trivia
- Bible Trivia (Student Ministries)
- Biological Sciences Special Seminar Series (Sigma Zeta National Math and Science Honors Society)
- BSU MCC Open Council/Civil Discourse
- Camino 5k
- Campus-Wide Hymn Sing (ACDA)
- Campus-Wide Hymn Sing (ACDA)
- Catholic Mass
- Catholic Mass
- Catholic Mass
- Chapel by our Seniors (Parmer Hall)
- Chapel on "Coffee and Calling"
- Christ's Descent from the Cross: An Image for Christian Meditation (Honors Program)
- Church Fair (SGA & Campus Ministries)
- Civil Discourse Series: Universal Healthcare
- Community Chapel with Stephen Gallaher (Parmer Hall)
- Denim Coffee Pop-Up (Student Ministries)
- Denim Coffee Pop-Up (Student Ministries)
- Discipleship Large Gathering (Student Ministries)
- Easter Morning Service
- Election Prayer Gathering
- Evangelizing in America (Increase Theology Club)
- Everybody Eats - Men's Ministries Bible Study
- Faith and Food talk wiht Krista Yoder Latortue
- Faith in the Workplace with Mina Choi and Chia Lo
- Fall Donuts Pop-Up! (Student Ministries)
- Fall Drinks Pop-Up (Student Ministries)
- Fall Photo Contest
- FCA Bonfire
- FCA Dodgeball Night
- FCA Dodgeball Night
- FCA Huddle
- FCA Huddle Meetings
- FCA Kick Off
- FCA Sunrise Worship
- Getting to know your Muslim Neighbor
- God of Liberation: A Faith Perspective on Human Rights (HRA)
- God's Work in Ukraine (Increase Theology)
- Good Friday Cross Run
- Good Friday Service
- Gospel Explosion 2019
- Grilled Cheeses & Jesus Pop-Up (Student Ministries)
- Happiness Hour (Office of Student Success)
- Harp and Bowl (Student Ministries)
- Harp and Bowl (Student Ministries)
- Historicity of the Old Testament
- Hot Ones with Antonio Morton (Student Ministries)
- HRA Movie Night: Watchers of the Sky
- Human Library
- Human Rights Awareness Chapel
- Hymn Sing
- iFast
- iFast (Res Life)
- Immigration: Journey through the Biblical Perspective (HRA)
- Incense
- Incense (Student Ministries)
- Incense 2022: Open Up the Floodgates (Student Ministries)
- Increase Theology Club
- Increase Theology Club
- Increase Theology Club
- Increase Theology Club: Meeting & Discussion
- Jubilee of Love with Don Opitz
- Just Jesus (Student Ministries)
- Just Jesus (Student Ministries)
- Just Jesus (Student Ministries)
- Just Peace: Stories from Israel & Palestine (SGA)
- Just Peace: Stories from Israel & Palestine (SGA)
- Last Week of Classes Pop-Up (Student Ministries)
- Lenten Prayer of Examen
- Life Hacks (Res Life)
- Livelihood of a Son (Student Ministries)
- Loft On-Lead Bible Study
- Logos Bible Study
- Logos Bible Study
- Logos Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Logos Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Logos Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Logos Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Logos Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Logos Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Logos Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Logos Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Logos Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Logos Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Logos Bible Study (Thursdays)
- Logos Bible Study (Tuesdays)
- Logos Bible Study (Wednesdays)
- Logos Bible Study - Thursday Meetings
- Logos Bible Study - Tuesday Meetings
- Logos Bible Study - Wednesday Meetings
- Logos Bible Study Monday Meetings
- Logos Bible Study Tuesday Meetings
- Logos Bible Study Wednesday Meeting
- Logos Kickoff Event - Student Ministries
- Logos Movie Night
- Logos Worship Night (Student Ministries)
- Lord of The Nations Part I w/ Dr. Miller (Increase Theology)
- Lord of The Nations Part II w/ Dr. Miller (Increase Theology)
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Chapel with Jalyn Hall
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Chapel with Jalyn Hall
- Maundy Thursday communion service
- Meet the Leaders - Life Groups Event (Student Ministries)
- Men's Min Monday (Student Ministries)
- Men's Min Monday (Student Ministries)
- Men's Min Wednesday Night Fellowship
- Men's Ministry - Everybody Eats
- Men's Ministry Community Night (Student Ministries)
- Men's Ministry Movie Night
- Men's Ministry Thursday Night Fellowship
- Mens Min Monday (Student Ministries)
- Men’s Ministry Board Game Night
- Men’s Ministry Life Group: Biblical Manhood
- Men’s Ministry Life Group: Isolation vs. Community
- Men’s Ministry Testimony Night
- Men’s Ministry Testimony Night
- Messiah Games Association: Involvement Seminar
- Ministry and Mission Fair
- Missional Professions: Infusing Missionary Purpose into Everyday Professions (Increase Theology)
- Neo-Colonialism Bingo w/ HRA
- Open Council II: Sexual Assault and Healing
- Passover Seder Meal (Honors Program)
- Peacebuilding and Nonviolence in Palestine: A Talk with Jonathan Kuttab (HRA)
- Philosophy, Science, and God Panel Discussion
- Powerhouse
- Prayer for Unity
- Prayer Night (Advocates for Life)
- Prayer Night for the Sahel Region (HRA)
- Prayer Outreach Table (Student Ministries)
- Prayer Outreach Team Meeting
- Prayer Room (Student Ministries)
- Prayer Room (Student Ministries)
- Prayer Walk
- Prayer Walk
- Prayer Walk
- Prayer Walk (Student Ministries)
- Professor Testimony Night! (Increase Theology)
- Provost Commissioning Service
- Reflective Space for Prayer & Liturgy
- Reflective Space for Prayer & Liturgy
- Res Life: Coffee & Calling
- RESET: 6 Hours of Prayer
- Roots Bible Study
- Roots Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Roots Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Roots Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Roots Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Roots Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Roots Bible Study (Student Ministries)
- Roots Community Night (Student Ministries)
- Roots Community Night (Student Ministries)
- Roots Community Night (Student Ministries)
- Roots Community Night (Student Ministries)
- Roots Community Night (Student Ministries)
- Roots Community Night (Student Ministries)
- Roots Community Nights (Student Ministries)
- SAGE Prism Meeting - A Conversation on Faith & LGBT+ Identities
- Sanctuary (Student Ministries)
- Sanctuary (Student Ministries)
- Sanctuary (Student Ministries)
- Sanctuary (Student Ministries)
- Sanctuary (Student Ministries)
- Sanctuary (Student Ministries)
- Sanctuary (Student Ministries)
- Sanctuary (Student Ministries)
- Sanctuary Hot Chocolate & Brownies Pop Up (Student Ministries)
- Sanctuary Movie Night
- Screening of the new film, "The 21" and panel discussion (Honors Program)
- Service Drive (HRA & Falcons for Freedom)
- SGA Candidate Debate Night
- Sins, Success, & Your Savior with Camille Murchie
- Sons of a King Prayer Night (Student Ministries)
- Sons of the King Prayer Night (Student Ministries)
- Spanish Chapel (Parmer Hall)
- Student Min Kickoff
- Student Ministries Expo
- Student Ministries Hiring Expo!
- Student Ministries Pop-Up
- Student Ministries Pop-Up
- Student Ministries, Increase Theology: Bible Trivia Night
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: 21 Days of Reset
- Student Ministries: Altar
- Student Ministries: Bible Trivia
- Student Ministries: Incense
- Student Ministries: Information Table
- Student Ministries: Prayer Night
- Student Ministries: Prayer Night
- Student Ministries: Prayer Night
- Student Ministries: Revival
- Student Ministries: Sanctuary
- TBD Chapel
- Tea and Testimonies (Harbor House)
- Tea-ology
- Tenebrae Service
- Testimony of Gene McGuire (Increase Theology Club)
- Testimony Time with Dr. Zigarelli - Increase Theology Club
- The Great Give Back (Agape Center)
- The Great Give Back (Agape Center)
- The Porter's Gate with Sandra McCracken Conference and Concert Event
- Tree Planting On Campus (Sustainability)
- Welcome Picnic (Peace Fellowship)
- Wittlinger Chapel Series: Holiness with Stephen Gallaher
- Wittlinger Chapel Series: “Banding Together for a Life of Discipleship” with Emily Bingham and Student Ministries Leaders
- Wittlinger Chapel Series: “Messiah Peacemakers in Action”
- Wittlinger Chapel: Forgiveness and Reconciliation Panel Conversation with Ling Dinse, Valerie Lemmon, and Emily Bingham
- Wittlinger Chapel: “Reconciliation: Joining Jesus’ Mission to Heal a Broken World” with Drew Hart
- Women's Nights (Student Ministries)
- Women's Wednesday: Fall Crafts & Worship (Student Ministries and Minds Matter)
- “Beauty for Ashes” with George Chochos
- “Being in Christ” with Emily Bingham
- “Through the Storm” with Leo Sayles