Lifestyles: Health & Wellness, Alternative related events
- "A Confession that Will Change Your Life" - with Guest Speaker Dr. Mark Meyer (Increase Theology Club)
- 2024 Fall Engagement Fair
- Acclamation Tangible Worship
- Active Yoga (Fitness Class)
- After College Life Hacks (Res Life)
- AGAPE: 1, 2, 3, 19: Shedding Light on the Creation, Implementation, and Impact of the COVID-19 Vaccine
- An Evening with Dr. Brad Wilcox (Honors Program)
- Anti-Asian Violence Discussion
- Anti-Trafficking Training (HRA)
- Balloon Darts (Minds Matter)
- Barbell Class (Fitness Class)
- Bee Hive Tour (Office of Sustainability)
- Best of Both Worlds (Wellness & Rec)
- Best of Both Worlds (Wellness & Rec)
- Body Positivity Pop-Up (SAB)
- Boundaries, Conflict, and Bundt Cakes (MCFR)
- BSU Hair Expo
- BSU: We Matter Showcase
- Campus Loop Bike Race
- Campus Prayer Week
- Choose Your Path: An Interactive Experience with SFS
- Cocoa and Info (SAGE)
- Coffee and Compost (Office of Sustainability)
- College Life Hacks (Res Life)
- Community Catharsis: An Open Forum For Verbally Processing Through A Difficult Winter Break
- Core Class (Fitness Class)
- Core Class (Fitness Class)
- Core/Strength Class (Fitness Class)
- Core/Strength Class (Fitness Class)
- Create and Conversate: Paint Night (Minds Matter)
- Creative Prison Foods (Phi Alpha)
- Cute vs. Creepy (Prevention Education)
- Destress Fest
- Destress Fest
- Destress Fest
- Destress Fest (Minds Matter)
- Destress Fest (Minds Matter)
- Dog Therapy
- Easter Brunch
- Faith and Food talk wiht Krista Yoder Latortue
- Falcon Flight Fest Vertical Jump Challenge (Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Science Club)
- Falcon Tri
- Fall Photo Contest
- Fall Photo Contest Open House
- Feminine Expression (History of Contemporary Art Class Project)
- Feminine Expression (History of Contemporary Art Class Project)
- Finals Cupcakes (Office of Development)
- Finals Cupcakes (Office of Development)
- Finals Prep Pop-Up (SAB)
- Financial Wellness Week (Student Financial Services Office)
- Fit & Fueled (SAB)
- Fitness Party (Wellness & Rec)
- Fitness Party (Wellness & Rec)
- Free Valentine Cards and Candy to Send to a Friend
- FRIES: A Conversation about Consent (SAGE)
- Fueld by Failure: Unlikely Paths to Success
- Fueled by Failure (Office of Student Success)
- Fueled by Failure (Office of Student Success)
- Fueled By Failure Student Panel Event (Murray Library & Office of Student Success)
- Garden Volunteer Hour
- Garden Volunteer Opportunity
- Glow In the Dark Pickleball Tournament (SAB)
- Glow-In-The-Dark Dodgeball!
- Glutes/Back/Arms/Legs (Fitness Class)
- Good Friday Cross Run
- Grantham Community Garden Farmers Market
- Gym Rat Bingo (SAB)
- Hair Expo
- Hair Expo! (BSU)
- Happiness Hour (Office of Student Success)
- HIIT (Fitness Class)
- HIIT (Fitness Class)
- HIIT (Fitness Class)
- HIIT/Strength Class (Fitness Class)
- HIIT/Strength Class (Fitness Class)
- HNES Chick Fil A Night!
- Honor Your Hunger Through Intuitive Eating Presentation by McKenna Welshans
- Human Library 2022 Unjudge Someone
- Human Library 2022 Unjudge Someone Evening Session
- Human Trafficking Simulation (Phi Alpha)
- I AM Campus Run
- iFast
- Introductions & Allyship (SAGE)
- It's Not Me... It's You (SAGE)
- Juice Affirmation Bar and Panel (Wellness & Rec)
- Kindness Day Pop Up event
- Kitchen Swap (Office of Sustainability)
- Kitchen Swap (Office of Sustainability)
- Let's Talk About Stress
- Life Hacks (Res Life)
- Life Hacks-Upper Class (Res Life)
- Lunch and Learn: DIY Van Lodging (Office of Sustainability)
- Lunch and Learn: Medicinal Plants
- Mind Meld (Minds Matter)
- Mindful Movement (Fitness Class)
- Mindful Movement (Fitness Class)
- Mindful Movement (Fitness Class)
- Minds Matter: Engagement Pop-Up
- Minds Matter: Relationship Panel
- Mini Golf in the Stacks
- Movie Medley: Observing How LGBT+ Relationships are Portrayed in Cinema
- Neurodiversity Fair (Mind's Matter)
- Neurodiversity Fair (Minds Matter)
- Neurodiversity Fair (Minds Matter)
- Neurodiversity Support Group (Minds Matter)
- No-Sew T-Shirt Bag Making Table
- No-Sew T-Shirt Bag Making Table
- Nutrition Wellness Seminar
- Office of Sustainability & IJM: Swap & Mend
- Office of Sustainability: Community Picnic Night
- One bedroom apartment sign-ups
- Open Council I: Am I Invited?
- Open Council II: Christianity around the World: My Brown Jesus
- Open Council II: Sexual Assault and Healing
- Open Council III
- Outdoor Spin (Wellness & Rec)
- Outdoor Spin (Wellness & Rec)
- Pages in Peace: A Read-What-You-Want Book Club (Murray Library)
- Pages in Peace: A Read-What-You-Want Book Club (Murray Library)
- Pages in Peace: A Read-What-You-Want Book Club (Murray Library)
- Pilates (Fitness Class)
- Pilates (Fitness Class)
- Pilates (Fitness Class)
- Pilates Event
- Pizza and Condoms: Healthy conversations around sexual safety and wellness
- Plant Giveaway (Office of Sustainability)
- Plant Giveaway (Office of Sustainability)
- Prayer for Unity
- Queenax (Fitness Class)
- Red, Green, & Beige Flags (SAGE Connects)
- Reflections on Married Life: An Alumni Panel (Honors Program and HDFS Dept)
- Reflective Space for Prayer & Liturgy
- Res Life: Life Hacks
- Restorative Yoga (Fitness Class)
- Rock Painting Party (Office of Academic Success)
- SAB Outdoor Yoga
- SAB Trip to Nutrition
- SAB Wellness Week Giveaway
- SAB: Wellness Week
- Safety Day (Dept of Safety)
- Safety Day (Dept. of Safety)
- SAGE Out! Closing the year together
- SAGE Prism
- SAGE Prism - Family Matters
- SAGE Prism Inaugural Meeting
- SAGE Prism Kick-Off!
- SAGE Prism Kickoff Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Meeting
- SAGE Prism Movie Night
- Spin (Fitness Class)
- Spin (Fitness Class)
- Spin (Fitness Class)
- Spin (Fitness Class)
- Spin (Fitness Class)
- Spin (Fitness Class)
- Spin (Fitness Class)
- Spin Class (Fitness Class)
- Spin Class (Fitness Class)
- Spin Class (Fitness Class)
- Spin Class (Fitness Class)
- Spin Class (Fitness Class)
- Spin Class (Fitness Class)
- Spin Class (Fitness Class)
- Spin Class (Fitness Class)
- Stalking: Messages in the Media (Prevention Education)
- Strengthen and Stretch (Fitness Class)
- Stress and Spiritual Wellness: A Devotional
- Stress Less (Engle Center and Office of Student Success)
- Stress Less Group (Engle Center & Office of Student Success)
- Stress Less Group (Engle Center & Office of Student Success)
- Stress Less Group (Engle Center & Office of Student Success)
- Stress Management Workshop
- Stress Management Workshop
- Suicide Prevention color run/walk
- Suicide Prevention Pop Up (SAB)
- Sustain-A-Fest
- Sustain-A-fest (Office of Sustainability)
- Sustainable Business Panel (Office of Sustainability)
- Sustainable Move-Out (Office of Sustainability)
- Swap N Mend (Office of Sustainability)
- Swap N' Mend (Office of Sustainability)
- Swing Dance: Weekly Lesson
- Thank You Thursday (Office of Student Success and Student Financial Services)
- The Swinging Bridge Magazine: October Launch
- Thrive (Fitness Class)
- Thrive (Fitness Class)
- Tidbits & Treats: Healthy Relationships (SAGE)
- Traditional African Dance Workshop
- Trailgate (Wellness & Rec)
- Tricks or Treats: A spooky season conversation on the signs of unhealthy & healthy relationships (SAGE)
- Vinyl Painting (Minds Matter)
- Virtual Reality Student Wellness Program (Master's of OT)
- Virtual Reality Student Wellness Program (Master's of OT)
- Yoga (Part of Destress Fest)