Service-related related events
- 2024 Spring Engagement Fair
- Agapé Center Information and Clearance Night!
- Agape Center Open House 2021
- Agape Center: Info and Clearance Night
- Agapé Center: Information & Clearance Night
- Agapé Meet & Greet
- AGAPÉ: Caitlin’s Smiles Card Drive
- AROMA: Winter Blast Youth Retreat
- AROMA: Winter Blast Youth Retreat
- AROMA: Youth Basketball Half-time Devotionals
- Baby Bottle Stuffing Event (Advocates for Life)
- BSU MCC Open Council/Civil Discourse
- Canvas and Tech Help (Student Success/ ETS/ IT)
- Cards of Hope for Senior Citizens (MCFR)
- Cards of Hope for the Holidays (MCFR)
- Cards of Hope for the Holidays (MCFR)
- Christmas Card Decorating for Paxton Ministries (Student Ministries and Res Life)
- Coloring Pages for Kid Patients (MCFR)
- Coloring Pages for Kid Patients (MCFR)
- Connecting Communities: Housing & Neighboring
- Conversations in Courage: A Reflection on Race and Justice,
- Day of Kindness
- Fall Photo Contest
- Garden Volunteer Hour
- Garden Volunteer Opportunity
- Hispanic Heritage Pop Up (Agape Center)
- Item Collection for Homeless Families
- Leadership Chapel and Fair
- Lisburn Road Cleanup (Office of Sustainability)
- Love Your Neighbor
- MCC Info/Education Night @ Grantham Church
- MCFR: Cards of Hope
- MCFR: Knit-A-Thon
- Meet the Elects Night (SGA)
- Messiah Games Association: Involvement Seminar
- Open Bike Shop Hours
- Open Council II: Sexual Assault and Healing
- Open Council III
- Open Door Interviews (Agape Center)
- Open Door Interviews (Agape Center)
- Open House (Student Financial Services)
- Pulse Open House
- Revolutionary: Judy Heumann on Disability Rights, Youth Activism, & Storytelling as a Tool for Change! (Office of Academic Accessibility)
- Safety Day (Dept of Safety)
- Service and Snow Cones - Agape Center
- Service Day
- Service Day Pop-Up Table (Agape Center)
- SGA Candidate Debate Night
- SGA Presidential Debate Night
- Summer Job Fair
- Summer Job Fair
- Summer Job Fair
- Summer Job Fair (Student Employment)
- Swap & Mend
- Thank You Thursday (Office of Student Success & Student Finical Services)
- Thank You Thursday (Office of Student Success and Student Financial Services)
- Thanksgiving Giveback
- The Great Give Back (Agape Center)
- The Great Give Back (Agape Center)
- Town Hall with Operations (SGA)
- Tree Planting
- Tree Planting On Campus (Sustainability)