ITC Philadelphia - Info Session
- Date: February 21st, 2024
- Location: Boyer 137 – Parmer Cinema
- Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
- Cost: Free to Students
Come learn about our upcoming Into the City trip to Philadelphia! Free pizza is provided.
Register HERE to attend the Info Session.
We will travel to Philadelphia, PA, on April 7-9 to connect with alumni and friends of the University.
Click here for the trip application, which is due on March 5.
- Gain an inside perspective on many organizations
- Network with notable Messiah alumni
- Understand what it is like to live and work in the area
- Discover an array of job and internship prospects
Overview of the Program
Into the City is a dynamic and immersive career development and networking program designed to introduce students to living, working, and connecting in the city. Our primary aim is to provide students with unique opportunities to engage with alums, parents, and friends of Messiah through various activities, including company site visits and tours, informative presentations and panel discussions, and a networking reception.
There will be representation from a variety of organizations, both corporate and non-profit. Regardless of your interest in the alums’ particular titles or employer affiliations, this experience provides valuable information to a wide range of career interests.
Program Objectives
Receive an orientation to city living, working, and community.
Broaden awareness of career options aligned with individual strengths and interests.
Obtain information on essential skills, characteristics, and effective strategies for skill development.
Gain insight into various industries, hiring practices, workplace cultures, & tips for interested candidates.
Build career planning confidence and decision-making skills.
Recognize the importance and process of building meaningful connections within the city.