MCBA Breakfast

MCBA Breakfast

  • Date: April 18th, 2018
  • Location: Martin Commons
  • Time: 7:00am - 9:00am
  • Cost: $15

Location: Messiah College, Martin Commons (Eisenhower Campus Center) Date: April 18, 2018 Topic: "Side Hustle"

What do Apple, Under Amrour, Etsy, and Instagram all have in common?  Besides being among the best-known brands, all started as "side hustles."  What's the thing you're doing outside of your day job that you're passionate about and that occasionally wakes you up at night, just to work on for fun? Come hear from a panel of local entrepreneurs, stories of failure and success, learn how a side hustle can positively impact your main gig, and maybe even be inspired to start your side hustle.

7:00 AM – 7:30 AM | Registration and Networking 

7:15 AM – 8:00 AM | Breakfast Buffet Opens

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM | Event Speaker 

9:00 AM | Event concludes, but guests are encouraged to stay and network 

Event Cost: $15

This event is open to everyone! You do not have to be a Messiah alumnus and attendance at previous events is not prerequisite.