Two hour delay

2/6/25: Due to the ice storm, Messiah will operate on a delay, opening at 10 a.m. Any changes to this will be communicated by 8 a.m.


Senior Exhibition Part II Jordan Muñoz

Senior Exhibition Part II Jordan Muñoz

  • Date: October 5th, 2020 - October 14th, 2020
  • Every day
  • Location: Climenhaga Building, Upper Gallery
  • Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Cost: Open to Messiah faculty, staff, and students

Senior Exhibition Part II

The second installment of Senior Exhibition 2020 features the work of Jordan Muñoz. It will run from October 5th-14th.  

Of her work Jordan says: "My artwork possesses a contemplative nature, reflective of monastic practices of intentional and ruminative processes. Common and inexpensive materials are used to create works that surpass the value of the material. I explore the nature of prayer with elements such as handwritten prayers and humble materials which reflect the transformative power of prayer. Within the process of stitching I enter into prayerful state which imbues the final garment with a sacred quality."

Come encounter her work in the glass gallery in the upper level of Climenhaga Lobby. The Galleries at Messiah are currently open only to students, faculty and staff in compliance with Covid-19 restrictions. Please direct any questions to Brian Menkis:

Featured Image: Supplication, acorns and tulle

Messiah senior show 3 2 jordan munoz