Chorister’s Workshop 2024

Chorister’s Workshop 2024

  • Date: October 8th, 2024
  • Location: Calvin and Janet High Center for Worship and Performing Arts, Parmer Hall
  • Time: 8:00am - 6:00pm
  • Cost: $30 per chorister - includes a festival T-shirt, lunch, rehearsals, and workshops

Chorister’s Workshop 2024

Messiah’s Chorister’s Workshop 2024 on Oct. 8 will feature two guest artists:
Yoon Soo Lim and Brandon Booth!

High school choristers will spend the day taking elective classes, enjoying a voice recital, lunch in the dining hall, singing alongside Messiah’s Concert Choir, and performing a final concert open to the public at the end of the day.  High school directors will also have the opportunity to take continuing education classes (PA Act 48 credit if applicable) with Messiah’s conducting faculty.  All of these events will occur in the state-of-the-art Calvin and Janet High Center for Worship and Performing Arts.

The day begins with registration at 8:00 a.m. in the High Center lobby. Rehearsals and workshops take place throughout the day from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with a final concert showcase at 5 p.m. 

Register for the event here.

Registration will close on September 20th. 

The cost per chorister is $30 and includes a festival T-shirt, lunch, rehearsals, and workshops. There is no cost for teachers bringing choristers. 

Teachers not bringing choristers are welcome to attend for a cost of $20. 

Contact Dr. Joy Meade ( with questions about the event.
Contact Lynn Sanders ( with questions about registration.

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