Special Interest Clubs and Organizations
The Messiah University Advocates for Life Club strives to love life, whether unborn or born. We seek to share that love with others both on and off campus. Our purpose is to increase awareness of the importance of the pro-life movement, to encourage students to not only speak about the issues of life, but also to move students into action for fighting for the right to life. As Proverbs 31:8-10 urges, we strive to speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable. Speak out in order to judge with righteousness and to defend the needy and the poor. Our club exists to live out that mission.
For more information, please contact advocatesforlife@messiah.edu.
The MU Progressives are dedicated to the pursuit of a more just and equal society in terms of social reform and the equitable redistribution of wealth. Workers of the world, unite!
For more information, please contact progressives@messiah.edu.
Let’s be honest; college is a difficult place to be a creative. No matter how much we love our classes or our majors, making space for our personal writing is nearly impossible. Our goal is to create that space, making time for students to write what they love. There are no restrictions on major or type of writing. We want anyone interested in practicing their craft to connect with like-minded peers and feel welcome. Just bring your computer or some paper and write away!
For more information, please contact creativewritingclub@messiah.edu.
Instagram: messiah_creativewriting
Messiah University Earthkeepers strives to promote sustainable practices on-campus and abroad. We aim to protect and improve the environment not only for our benefit but to honor God and the creation he has charged us with. We are not your typical tree-huggers.
For more information, please contact earthkeepers@messiah.edu.
Falcon Emergency Medical Services (FEMS) is a group of volunteer certified EMTs who respond to medical emergencies on campus at Messiah University, as able.
For more information, please contact muems@messiah.edu.
The purpose of this organization is to provide opportunities for the outdoor lover in the college community to enjoy fellowship with others, to develop stronger outdoor skills, and to engage in community service for our environment. The Club's leadership works to integrate these three aspects with the appreciation of God's Creation through outdoor activities. Visit the Outdoors Club webpage.
For more information, please contact outdoorsclub@messiah.edu.
The MU Chess club is an open environment for anyone interested in playing or learning chess with fellow Messiah students. Aside from weekly free-play meetings, we also host an online tournament every month. All skill levels welcome!
For more information, please contact muchess@messiah.edu.
The purpose of Peace Fellowship is to engage students in a community devoted to the understanding and practice of peace.
For more information, please contact peacefellowship@messiah.edu
The Messiah Games Association is a club that is committed to bringing people together. We want to continue to build our community of people who enjoy board games, card games, role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons and video games.
Visit us on Instagram.
Click here to visit our Discord page.
For more information, please contact messiahgamesassociation@messiah.edu.
We truly believe God is calling us to encourage Deaf awareness on Messiah University's campus. We intend to provide a positive experience for any student interested in American Sign Language or the Deaf culture, even if you know nothing coming in. This education could expand future professional opportunities as well as contribute to a further sense of community through recognizing diversity.
For more information, please contact signlanguageclub@messiah.edu.
The Messiah Survivor club provides students with several opportunities for adventure and fellowship. We host game nights, watch parties, and even have our own version of Survivor on campus. Whether you are a fan of the show or just looking for an adventure, Messiah Survivor has a spot for you.
For more information, please contact survivor@messiah.edu.
Spoke N' True is a group of students dedicated to serving the biking community of Messiah University. We offer our services as volunteer bike mechanics because we want to see others enjoy the thrill of riding. Our goal is to build a strong community around biking through always lending a hand to those in need.
For more information, please contact spokentruebike@messiah.edu.
The mission of Minds Matter Messiah University is to truthfully inform and break the preconceived stereotypes about mental illness to engage students in a dialogue with the mental health community. Equipped with awareness, we are called to provide encouragement as Christians, in which we desire to show Christ's love to those preconceived as being different.
For more information, please contact mindsmatter@messiah.edu.
SNAC seeks to enhance nutritional awareness on campus and foster relationships among Messiah University students and in the local community through various activities, educational events, and community service.
For more information, please contact snac@messiah.edu.
Our club's purpose is to promote political awareness as well as conservative values on Messiah University campus. We are also Christians who seek to better develop an understanding of how our faith can be integrated into our politics, regardless of our affiliations.
For more information, please contact conservatives@messiah.edu.
Wellness and Recreation is now under SAB.
For more information, please contact sabwellness@messiah.edu.
For more information, please contact ccdc@messiah.edu.