SOWK 497/498 Social Work Department Honors project "Utilizing Local Churches to Address the Foster Care Crisis" Connecting the field of social work to churches to help provide social welfare services.
Department Honors Project
- Ask your advisor if your department offers Department Honors.
- Fill out the Honors Program application for the Senior Honors Experience.
- Follow the steps to apply to your department for Department Honors. This usually involves developing a syllabus/proposal for your project. (project title, project description, time-line, resources to be used and project outcome/research paper. Sample syllabus
- Register for the credits for your Department Honors project with the Registrar's Office. Link to credit registration Use the course number 497 for the first semester of your honors project. Use the course number 498 for the second semester of your honors project. *Credit registrations should be completed during the time window of course registrations every semester (4-6 credits over two semesters).
- Presentation Please speak with your project faculty sponsor regarding the timing, location, and publicity (poster/social media/zoom link) of your presentation. Then email the information to Program Assistant Cris Mizerak (
- Submission Email your Honors Project (power point, pdf, word document) to . A second copy can be submitted to the Messiah University library archive MOSAIC
Samples of Recent Department Honors projects

ENGL 497/498 English Department Honors project

BIOL 497/498 Department Honors project Pancreatic cancer research: discovering the cause of the highly fibrotic tumor microenvironment characteristic of pancreatic tumors. The goal is to determine whether the secretion of collagen protein that contributes to fibrosis is driven more by the tumor cell or the pancreatic stellate cell.
Academic departments may have their own particular requirements for Department Honors or combinations of courses that fulfill the MUHP senior honors experience. Nevertheless, all projects must meet the following common criteria:
Parameters for MUHP Honors Projects:
- Projects must be of graduate-level quality.
- Projects must reflect the methodological, theoretical, and substantive expectations for scholarship in the project area.
- Projects must be pursued over two consecutive semesters for a total of 4 to 6 graded credit hours.
- Projects may begin during junior year.
- Projects must culminate with some type of public presentation.
Human Development and Family Science
Applied Health Science
Social Work
Visual Arts