5 Steps to Launch Your Event Planning Career

5 Steps to Launch Your Event Planning Career

Do you want to create memorable events that leave an impression that lasts a lifetime? Event planners bring people together for events both big and small. From baby showers to conferences, they stand at the core of any event. Here are the five ways to take on the job:

1. Earn your bachelor’s degree.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests those interested in event planning should earn a bachelor’s degree.

A set table

Students at Messiah with a Public Relations major, Communication major, or Hospitality and Tourism Management certificate find event planning fits well. Taking classes in these areas lays a foundation. Then, practical projects can better showcase your skills. In the Event Planning course, students have the opportunity to plan fictitious events as well as plan and execute a live event on campus.

2. Get practical experience.

Beyond class projects, developing practical skills is key to advancing in the industry. Just starting out? There are tons of industries to get involved with! A few categories include corporate, non-profit, weddings, sporting events and entertainment events. Look into catering or ushering to get a hands-on feel of how different roles help an event become successful. Then, seek opportunities to shadow and intern at event planning agencies or under an event planner for a particular organization. Taking on roles in several aspects can help you build a variety of experiences. 

3. Build a portfolio.

Now that you have your degree and practical experience, take what you’ve learned and build a portfolio. Use a website or shareable folder to store any mock plans you’ve created. With client permission, include images, software and video recaps of any practical experience of yours. 

4. Find a sector you love. 

Someone writing in a planner

Almost every sector hosts events, so finding your niche in the event planning industry will help you find joy in each day. Social Tables provides two acronyms to help with this. MEEC (meetings, expositions, events and conventions) covers particular types of events and SMERF (social, military, educational, religious and fraternal) covers the industry sectors. Examples of MEEC include corporate launch parties and trade shows. On the other hand, SMERF would include a church service or a basic military training graduation. No matter what you care about, there is an event to plan for it!

5. Perfect your resume.

You have the skills, now format it in a way that sells yourself to employers. Put emphasis on the qualifications you have and use these Top 5 Resume Builders to assist you. 

Now that you have the five steps for success, you can start planning unforgettable events. Go get planning! 

-Sarah Eckenroth ‘27