About our magazine
The Bridge (ISSN-0279-3938) is published three times a year by the Messiah University Office of Marketing and Communications for alumni and friends of the University, free of charge. Periodicals postage (USPS #342000) paid at Mechanicsburg PA 17055 and additional mailing offices. Please contact us at 717-691-6027. Items for the alumni news section should be identified by class year and sent to the Messiah University Office of Alumni and Parent Relations, One University Avenue Suite 3023, Mechanicsburg PA 17055. You may email them to alumni@messiah.edu or fax them to 717-796-5371. Postmaster: Address corrections should be sent to the Office of Development, One University Avenue, Suite 3013, Mechanicsburg PA 17055.
As its name suggests, The Bridge connects alumni, parents and donors with Messiah University. It also serves to build the University’s image with these audiences. It does this by publishing accurate news about the University and about alumni and by offering interesting feature articles that are issue- or University-related for readers’ continued education. Messiah University accepts news submissions from alumni and the broader community but reserves the right to edit or decline to print materials at its discretion.
Messiah University is a Christian university of the liberal and applied arts and sciences. The University is committed to an embracing evangelical spirit rooted in the Anabaptist, Pietist and Wesleyan traditions of the Christian Church. Our mission is to educate men and women toward maturity of intellect, character and Christian faith in preparation for lives of service, leadership, and reconciliation in church and society.
Messiah University does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, disability and national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic or other University-administered programs.
© 2024 Messiah University
Office of Marketing and Communications
One University Avenue
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
717.691.6027 | www.messiah.edu
Kim S. Phipps
Vice President for Advancement
Jon Stuckey
Associate Vice President for
Marketing & Communications
Carla E. Gross
Creative Director
Becca Powell '03
Graphic Designers
Matt Logan, M.A. '17
Curt Rohrer
Director of Alumni & Parent Relations
Abby Book '98