- Ted Davis Lecture - Historical Roots of the American Evangelical Encounter with Natural History
- Robin Collins Lecture - A Universe Providentially Structured for Scientific Discovery
- Jessica Moerman Lecture - Climate Change: What God’s Creation is Telling Us
- Peter Enns Lecture - Curveball: When Your Faith Takes Turns You Never Saw Coming (or How I Stumbled and Tripped My Way to Finding a Bigger God)
- Loren Haarsma Lecture - When Did Sin Begin? Human evolution and the doctrine of original sin
- Ted Davis Lecture
- Noreen Herzfeld lecture
- Mark Wittman lecture
- Joan Centrella lecture
- Ted Davis lecture
- Kaita Interment lecture
- Shattering the Myth of Race
- Shattering the Myth of Race Poster
- Forum: Understanding the Evidence for an Ancient Earth
- Copernicus and Galileo
- Moving the Earth
- Evolution of Adam
- Origins Today
- Einstein's Jewish Science
- The Book Nobody Read
- Portraying the Star of Bethlehem
- God, Brain, and Mind: Christianity and Neuroscience
- A Short History of Beliefs about Global Warming
- Christianity and Climate Change
- The Moral Paradoxes of Genetic Screening
- Science and the Bible
- A Short History of Christianity and Science
- Samuel Christian Schumcker's Christian Vocation
- Creationism as Science
- Edgar Allan Poe's Big Bang Theory and the Power of Imagination
- Shaken and Stirred: The Fourth Century A.D. Earthquakes and the Crises of Faith on Cyprus
- Alleviating Global Poverty Using Technology: How Can I (or You) Possibly Make a Difference?
- Eddington: Quaker Astrophysicist
- Dr. Matthew Stanley
- Cosmology, Evolution & Resurrection Hope
- Fritz Schaefer Lecture
- Monte Hampton Lecture