View our facilities
Messiah University is committed to providing students with modern facilities and equipment for the acquisition of skills directly transferable to the workplace. The laboratories for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry are located on the third floor of the Kline Hall of Science and the Jordan Science Center.
- Spacious, dedicated labs with ventilation hoods for each sub-discipline of chemistry
- Laptops and data acquisition software
- Four dedicated instrument labs
- Five labs solely for faculty/student research
- Several molecular modeling packages on departmental computers
- Dedicated chemical storeroom
- Resource room
- Large, informal lounge for studying and informal interaction

Kline Hall of Science
Kline Hall of Science, built in 1969, houses classrooms, science and nursing labs, and faculty offices.

Jordan Science Center
The Jordan Science Center, completed in August 1999, is a 60,000-square-foot facility which houses the University's Department of Natural Sciences. It also houses the Oakes Museum of Natural History, which showcases the University's valuable collections of North American and African large mammals, insects, seashells, bird eggs, plants and minerals.