View our facilities
In addition to general biology and chemistry labs, dissection, molecular biology, physiology, and environmental science labs have been added to the facilities. During your studies at Messiah, you'll have an opportunity to gain firsthand experience using scanning and transmission electron microscopes, mammalian tissue culture facilities, and molecular biology techniques including PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), along with other sophisticated equipment, to analyze cultures and manipulate molecules.
With woodlands, fields, and the well-known Yellow Breeches Creek, our beautiful 400-acre campus also serves as a laboratory for studies in the biological sciences. These settings provide further opportunities for students and faculty to conduct on-site research projects.

Biological Science Labs
Students have the opportunity to gain firsthand experience in the biological science labs with microbial analysis, fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy, mammalian cell culture, cadaver dissection, plant science, and molecular biology techniques including Real-Time PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) for genotyping and gene expression analysis.
View 360 Tour:
Anatomy Lab Microbiology Lab Molecular Biology Lab Plant Biology Lab

Kline Hall of Science
Kline Hall of Science, built in 1969, houses classrooms, science and nursing labs, and faculty offices.

Jordan Science Center
The Jordan Science Center, completed in August 1999, is a 60,000-square-foot facility which houses the University's Department of Natural Sciences. It also houses the Oakes Museum of Natural History, which showcases the University's valuable collections of North American and African large mammals, insects, seashells, bird eggs, plants and minerals.

Oakes Museum of Natural History
The Oakes Museum is our on-campus museum that features Smithsonian-quality African and North American mammals. It houses a substantial collection of artifacts unearthed through local excavations in York and Cumberland Counties, and Native American artifacts from Pennsylvania. Intended to enhance educational opportunities for both our students and the surrounding community, the museum also features the largest oological (egg) collection in Pennsylvania.