An alternative way for Mac users to access the text to speech:
To set up
Step 1: Open System Preferences
Step 2: Click on speak icon
Step 3: Click on Text to speech
Step 4: Select a system voice and speaking rate
Step 5: Click “Set Key” button
Step 6: Decide what key combination you will be able to remember (3 keys combines)
To use
Step 1: Highlight text in any document or email
Step 2: Hold down selected key combination
Step 3: Hold down Combination again to turn off
To convert text to an mp3 file
Step 1: Download Audiobook Maker
Step 2: Go to applications folder
Step 3: Open Text Edit
Step 4: Paste desired text to Text Edit document
Step 5: Open application. This will convert the open Text Edit document to an mp3 file, which will appear on your desktop
Step 6: Click on music file -will open in itunes