

The Office of Institutional Research collects some institutional assessment data through the administration of assessment surveys to our undergraduate students. There are a variety of assessment surveys utilized for institutional assessment. These surveys are typically done on a 3-year rotation. For summary reports and data requests, please contact the Office of Institutional Research.

Please click here for the latest Assessment Calendar.

The Admitted Student Questionnaire is a survey completed by admitted students (non-enrolling and enrolling). This ASQ provides a list of competitor institutions in terms of common applications as well as a wealth of knowledge about student perceptions of Messiah before they actually attend the institution.

The Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Pennsylvania (AICUP) First-Year Student Survey is administered to all first-year students at the end of the spring semester every four years. Students evaluate their growth over the first year of college, academic advising, transition from High School to College, satisfaction with Messiah, etc.

The CIRP Freshman Survey (CIRP) is a survey project through the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA. The CIRP survey provides a snapshot of incoming students during orientation. Students rate their high school experience, expectations about college, self-assessment of academic ability, reasons for attending college, and much more. We conduct the CIRP survey during orientation week every three years.

The College Senior Survey (CSS) is a survey project through the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA. The CSS measures seniors' college experiences and connects them to academic, civic, and diversity outcomes. Messiah seniors are compared to seniors at other religious private colleges.

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is a survey administered through Indiana University. This survey measures first year and senior student college experiences and perceived growth.

The National College Health Assessment (NCHA) is a survey administered through the American College Health Association (ACHA). This survey covers topics such as alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, weight, nutrition, and exercise, mental health, and personal safety and violence.