Before you apply for Post-Baccalaureate certification, please be aware of the following policies and points of information:
- Students must be admitted into Messiah University and the Teacher Education Program. Students who have met all requirements will be simultaneously admitted to both the college and the program. Other students may be provisionally admitted into Messiah University and/or the Teacher Education Program, pending completion of all requirements.
- For admission to the Teacher Education Program, you must have an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0. This is a state requirement that is common to all teacher preparation programs in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If you have completed a Master’s Degree, your GPA from that program may be considered rather than your undergraduate GPA. If your undergraduate GPA is lower than 3.0, the following policies will apply:
- If you are admitted to the University to begin a post-baccalaureate teacher certification program, you may begin taking courses at Messiah University that are required for your certification program, with the exception of any courses that require admission to the Teacher Education Program.
- You must earn at least a 3.0 in the first 12 credits at Messiah University in order to be fully admitted.
- You will be required to complete a minimum of 30 credits, including at least one field experience and the Professional Semester at Messiah University.
- If accepted as a post-baccalaureate teacher certification student, you will be required to enroll continuously each semester until your program is completed. The only acceptable waivers to this policy are (a) documented medical conditions or (b) unavailability of required courses.
- Messiah University does not award credit for prior career or life experiences.
- Both graduate and undergraduate credits may be applied toward post-baccalaureate certification. Graduate program options for post-bacc certification