Master of Arts in higher education leadership
Mission: The Master of Arts in higher education leadership equips visionary higher education leaders to be agents of innovation and renewal.
learning outcomes
To equip leaders to transform various higher education contexts, including Christian and church related colleges/universities, non-religious colleges/universities, professional associations, and higher education agencies;
To prepare practitioners to make effective, strategic, and innovative decisions to assure excellence in educational programs and mission-driven initiatives;
To develop scholars who advance the field of higher education and its contribution to society;
To nurture leaders with a professional identity rooted in their Christian faith.
Master of Arts in intercollegiate athletic leadership
Mission: To equip leaders to have a transformative influence on intercollegiate athletics, including advancing its benefits for student-athletes, colleges and universities, and the larger community.
Learning outcomes
To prepare professionals with a comprehensive understanding of athletic administration, including strategic planning, organizational effectiveness, event management, sport marketing, and leadership formation;
To develop educators who understand the philosophical context of intercollegiate athletics and related athletic associations;
To develop leaders who leverage the benefits of intercollegiate athletics for access, equity and student success;
To nurture athletic leaders with a professional identity rooted in the ethical and vocational sensibilities of the Christian tradition.