Contact Our Team

Kathee R. Clark
Kathee R. Clark


Kathee R. Clark

Registrar (717) 796-1800 ext. 7131

- Student records, academic policy and curriculum
- Academic standing (suspension, probation, warning)
- FERPA compliance officer
- Banner curriculum updates
- Semester schedule of classes and student registration

Undergraduate Registrar Office

Rebecca L. Bond
Rebecca L. Bond

Application Support Specialist

Rebecca L. Bond

Application Support Specialist

- Maintains program coding for degree audits
- Creates ad hoc reports for all functional areas of the Registrar's Office

Rebecca L. Drazba
Rebecca L. Drazba

Academic Records Specialist

Rebecca L. Drazba

Academic Records Specialist (717) 796-1800 ext. 7333

- Major, concentration and minor updates
- Student withdrawals and medical leave
- Semester schedule of classes and student registration
- Academic Standing (suspension, probation, warning)
- Grade changes
- Website maintenance

Michelle Glenny
Michelle Glenny

Administrative Assistant to the Registrar

Michelle Glenny

Administrative Assistant to the Registrar 717-796-1800 ext. 6034

- Student enrollment verifications
- Address and name changes for current undergraduate students
- Student ReEnrollment
- Directed Study, Independent Study, Honors Project, and Practicum Registrations
- Summer Online Registration
- External Programs and Study Abroad Course Evaluations
- General registration assistance

Hilary B. Hoover
Hilary B. Hoover

Senior Associate Registrar, Curriculum Managment & Degree Certification

Hilary B. Hoover

Senior Associate Registrar, Curriculum Managment & Degree Certification (717) 796-1800 ext. 2298

- Curricular change management
- Certification for completion of graduation requirements
- DegreeWorks audits and curriculum updates
- Final grade processing and student academic history
- General Education petitions

Beth C. Moshier
Beth C. Moshier

Associate Registrar

Beth C. Moshier

Associate Registrar (717) 796-1800 ext. 2492

- Student records, academic policy and curriculum management
- Banner curriculum updates  
- Semester schedule of classes and student registration  
- Independent, directed study and practicum registration  
- Academic policy petitions
- National Student Clearinghouse enrollment transmissions  
- Semester and term set-up of database systems  
- Ad hoc reporting
- Classroom assignments

Anne Narber
Anne Narber

Undergraduate Academic Services Coordinator

Anne Narber

Undergraduate Academic Services Coordinator 717-796-1800 ext. 3911

- Transcript requests for current students and alumni
- Student enrollment verifications
- Address and name changes for current students
- Commencement ceremony support
- Summer online course coordination
- Course sharing platform coordination
- Pass/Fail/Audit requests
- Replacement credential and apostille requests
- General registration assistance

Jill E. Poole
Jill E. Poole

Transfer Records Specialist

Jill E. Poole

Transfer Records Specialist (717) 796-1800 ext. 7166

- Transfer student support
- Incoming credit processing (transfer, dual-enrollment, Advanced Placement, CLEP, International Baccalaureate, A Level Credits

Graduate Registrar Office

Ed Wichrowski
Ed Wichrowski

Senior Associate Registrar, School of Graduate and Professional Studies

Ed Wichrowski

Senior Associate Registrar, School of Graduate and Professional Studies 717-796-1800 ext 7347

- Student records, academic policy and curriculum management
- Academic standing (probation, dismissal)
- Academic policy petitions
- Banner and DegreeWorks curriculum updates
- Semester schedule of classes and student registration
- Final grade processing and student academic history
- Semester and part-of-term set-up of database systems


Assistant Registrar, School of Graduate and Professional Studies


Assistant Registrar, School of Graduate and Professional Studies

- Program and track/concentration changes
- Academic advisor assignment
- National Student Clearinghouse enrollment and degree transmissions
- Certification for completion of degree and certificate requirements
- Student withdrawal and leave of absence
- Student registration
- Academic standing (probation, dismissal)
- Grade changes
- Transfer credit processing
- Student enrollment verification
- Address and name changes
- Website maintenance