The wellness course equips students to develop awareness of physical well-being.
Wellness Assessment Materials
QuEST is only for students enrolled prior to Fall 2024. If you are a student who enrolled with Messiah AFTER the Fall of 2024 - please refer to the new General Education website and General Education guide. Thanks!
Social Responsibility
These courses facilitate deepening self-awareness as students discern and develop their identity, gifts and vocation, as well as Christian character. These academic experiences empower students to act upon their knowledge and judgment through meaningful careers and lives that respond to the complexities of this world.

This course builds on the concepts introduced in Created and Called for Community.
Ethics in the Modern World Assessment MaterialsStudents are spurred to develop and support their own world view.
Wold Views Assessment Materials
Engagement with these issues allows students to articulate and practice an informed and faithful Christian response to diversity.
Pluralism in the Contemporary World Assessment Materials
Studies of non-western cultures furthers students ability to understand and appreciate social customs, traditions, systems of thought and expression in various civilizations
Nonwestern Studies Assessment Materials