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Advent 2023

Advent 2023

A Light Has Dawned

We pray these reflections, highlighting the many names of our Savior, would bless you and enrich your heart in preparation for celebrating the miracle of the Incarnation.

  • Scripture:  Genesis 1:1-5 & John 1:1-14

The name of the season of the Christian calendar that begins today, Advent, stems from the Latin word adventus, which means “coming” or “arrival.” The beginning of John’s gospel draws a poetic parallel between the arrival of Jesus in the incarnation and the arrival of light at the beginning of the Genesis 1. As God responds to the darkness of the cosmos with light in creation, God responds to our darkness once again by becoming flesh and dwelling among us in the person of Jesus Christ.

  • Reflection questions
    • Where might you find yourself waiting for the arrival of God’s light in your life this Advent season?
  • Scripture: John 8:12 & 1 John 1:1-7

Jesus declares that He is the light of the world, and He invites us to walk in His light and to share fellowship with God through Him. Jesus also invites us to share fellowship with one another, walking in the light alongside the countless others who have responded to His call and share in the journey of faith.

  • Reflection questions
    • Where might God be inviting you into deeper fellowship with Him and deeper fellowship with other believers this Advent season?
  • Scripture:  Matthew 5:14-16 & Ephesians 5:8-14

Jesus proclaims that He is the light of the world, and He also tells His followers we are the light of the world. Jesus calls us to let our light shine before others, living in such a way that they will see the goodness and righteousness that flows from our faith and then give glory not to us, but to God.

  • Reflection questions:
    • What opportunities might you have to show others God’s glory through your faithfulness this Advent season?
  • Scripture: Isaiah 42:5-7 & 1 Peter 2:9-10

God calls His people in order that their light might stand as a beacon amidst darkness, not only pointing the entire world to Him, the ultimate source of that light, but also bringing healing and freedom wherever they go.

  • Reflection questions
    • Where is God inviting you to enter places of darkness to bear the light of Christ in the world this Advent season?   
  • Scripture: Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 & Matthew 4:12-17 & Revelation 22:1-5

Though we await that blessed day when Christ will come again, Christmas reminds us that we serve a God who makes Himself known. Today we celebrate the miracle of the incarnation and the reality that a light has dawned and the kingdom of Heaven has come near—and we long for the day when that kingdom arrives in its fullness and there is no more night.

  • Reflection questions
    • Where do you sense God’s nearness this Christmas Day?