Spring 2025 | 2nd Wave 4x4 Series Descriptions
Collaboratory [Bryce Watkins - Frey 070] *began in first wave and continuing in second wave
Come join the Collaboratory as speakers share about what God has taught them through His Word. This semester will be more focused on scriptural texts and missions.
AROMA [Rodrigo de Mendoza Barrera - Hitchcock Arena, except for April 3 in Brubaker Auditorium] *began in first wave and continuing in second wave
Join Messiah’s sports ministry, AROMA, for a time of fellowship and biblical teaching. Sports are a gift from God intended for the glory of His name. Our culture has made sport an idol and we find ourselves often worshiping the gift rather than the giver. Be challenged and encouraged to seek first the kingdom through sports. Be a part of the revolution!
On the Fence [Emma Dougherty - Boyer 330] *began in first wave and continuing in second wave
Setting boundaries isn’t just a way to keep people out – it’s actually a helpful tool in letting people in. In this chapel series, join us as we discuss the importance, impact, and implementation of boundaries as people of faith.
After College: Faith, Community, and Calling, reserved for graduating seniors only [Ashley Jones & Joy Fea - Kline 104] *began in first wave and continuing in second wave
We will explore faith, community, and calling after college - what to expect and how to thrive in this next season of life. We will use After College: Navigating Transitions, Relationships, and Faith by Erica Young Reitz as a guide. Seniors and others leaving Messiah at the end of the semester are welcome to join us! Books will be available for $5.
MAP: Restoring the Roots of Our Sexual Brokenness through Being, reserved for male students only [Mike Blount - Loft Great Room] *began in first wave and continuing in second wave
Together with men's ministry, this series will navigate the challenges of unwanted sexual behaviors as men progress in healing and away from porn dependency/problematic sexual behaviors. Goals of this series include helping men (1) grow a deeper understanding of God's heart for men amid unwanted sexual behavior, (2) dismantle shame and learned false beliefs in order to break the addiction cycle, and (3) develop lasting tools for outgrowing porn and supporting one another.
Won't You Be My Neighbor [Ed Arke - Boyer 230]
A time to slow down and reflect on the theology and philosophy of Fred Rogers and Mister Rogers Neighborhood.
Made for People [Antonio Morton - Boyer 138]
We all have a desire to be fully known and fully loved. Often though, we do not know how to go about building these types of intimate relationships. In his book, Made for People, Justin Whitmel Earley outlines different habits to friendship that allows us to build kingdom centered relationships.
Quiet Practices for the Loud Among Us [Annastasis Bonczyk - Sollenberger Sports Center 165]
Do you ever feel like you don't have the right personality for spiritual practices? You are too loud, too energetic, or too-outgoing to quiet yourself down for prayer practices. Me too. This is a 4x4 for the rest of us to help us get to a place where we can do these things.
Journey Within: Connecting with God through Journaling [Bonnie Jenkins - Boyer 434] *began in first wave and continuing in second wave
Are you a journaler? Do you want to be one? Come to this series to learn how to use journaling to grow in your faith!
The Deeply Formed Life [Orlando Williams - Boyer 131]
Many believers live as Christians without being deeply shaped by Christ, often struggling with a frantic pace, unhealthy emotions, and difficulty living out love. The Deeply Formed Life offers a fresh vision for spiritual breakthrough, focusing on five values: contemplative rhythms, racial justice, interior examination, sexual wholeness, and missional presence. This roadmap guides us toward a life of communion with God, rooted purpose, and living out the good news in a broken world.
The Chosen [Ethan Kiggins - Boyer 137 (Parmer Cinema)] *began in first wave and continuing in second wave (at FULLcapacity, sign ups NOT available)
The Chosen is a historical drama television series about the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. Primarily set in Judaea and Galilee in the 1st century, the series centers on Jesus and the different people who met and followed or otherwise interacted with him. Join us as we view and discuss season 3 of The Chosen.
Silent Prayer [Doug Curry - Hostetter 120] *began in first wave and continuing in second wave
This 4x4 will provide a quiet, contemplative space for students to pray, reflect, and enjoy God’s presence. Each session will begin with a brief prompt to offer guidance for the time, but the majority of the session will be unstructured, as we take a break from the busyness and noise of our lives to allow God’s spirit to speak to us in stillness and quiet.
What Does the Bible Say about Money? [Zachary Richardson - Boyer 235]
Join us for a discussion about what the Bible says about money and real-world advice for faithful financial stewardship.
Practicing the Way [Julia Wittel & Preston Teuscher - Mountain View 141] *began in first wave and continuing in second wave
In this 8-week course we will be going through the Practicing the Way pathway, an introduction to apprenticeship to Jesus and a life of spiritual formation. Together, we will watch the video series, engage in group discussion, and each week there will be a spiritual discipline you will be encouraged to practice. Join us as we seek to be with Jesus, become like Him, and do as He did.
Sacred and Strong: Tools for Navigating Relationships and Hormones for Women [Erin Boyd Soisson - Boyer 336]
This empowering, intensive series provides a safe space to navigate topics like cycle syncing, foundations of healthy relationships, birth control options and how they work, pornography, cohabitation, and relationship red flags. This series equips women with the knowledge and wisdom to make informed decisions while reflecting on how our identity in Christ shapes our walk as we navigate relationships as the Sacred and Strong women we were created to be.