

The College presents a wide variety of merchandise to students, employees, alumni and friends. The primary hub for Messiah College merchandise is the Campus Store (you are now leaving/exiting the Messiah College web site, externally managed by Follett), which has developed strategies for incorporating the College’s visual identity into its merchandise. Campus departments, offices and program areas may request custom orders through Follett using their network of vendors. Contact the manager of the Campus Store at ext. 3050 for details. 

While additional production costs may sometimes result, vendors must always reproduce our official visual identity marks as designed and match PMS 295 exactly (for printed materials) or as closely as possible for other merchandise where PMS matching capabilities do not exist. This website is designed to equip vendors to produce their merchandise according to Messiah’s standards. While ordering merchandise, should you have an application which raises questions related to the visual identity guidelines, please contact the College's Creative Director for assistance at

Note to Vendors

The visual identity marks depicted in this online manual are trademarks of Messiah College. All graphic standards and restrictions outlined in this manual apply to the production of all merchandise—whether purchased by the College or by outside funding. Design alterations or substitutions are strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the Creative Director at ext. 2294, 717-691-6027 or Messiah College reserves the right to reject delivery of and payment for materials containing unauthorized or incorrect usages of the Messiah College visual identity marks, including the College logo, seal and athletic logos.