Official colors
The official colors of Messiah College are “Messiah Blue” (Pantone Matching System [PMS] 295) and white. All Messiah College visual identity marks (the logo, seal and athletic logos) must appear in their entirety in either Messiah Blue (PMS 295) or black (or in white for reverse-out applications). The logo must be produced at 100% of the color. Screening the logo is not an acceptable usage.
Since white is one of Messiah’s official colors, white paper is usually a better choice than off-white or colored papers for printed publications and provides a white background when reversing out Messiah’s visual identity marks.
Color matching
When printing in four-color process (CMYK) use this formula to match “Messiah Blue” (PMS 295): C = 100%; M = 56%; Y = 0%; K = 34%
When used digitally, please match “Messiah Blue” to #004b85