Dates & Deadlines

Drop/ Add/ Withdraw Dates

Changes in course registration (including drop/add/withdrawal forms, practicum, independent and directed study forms) must be submitted to the Registrar's office by the dates published in the links below.  All electronic signatures must be included on the appropriate registration change forms, as well as proposals for independent study courses.

Final Grades Due Dates

Final grades are due from professors to the Registrar's Office according to the dates published in the links below. Please note that grade processing takes a few hours for the Registrar's Office to bring to completion.

Undergraduate Final Exam Schedule

Academic Policy: The final exam is an important and integral part of the semester.  The faculty use this time as part of the semester's educational experience and do not schedule events which conflict with the final exam schedule.  Students are expected to attend their final exams at the time indicated.  (See link below.) Travel arrangements are not sufficient reason for exceptions to the schedule.  Exceptions should be requested only for emergencies.

Students who have more than two (2) final exams in which the course credits total more than eight (8) scheduled on the same day may request a change of day for the exams. Requests for confirmation of exam schedule may be made by emailing  The registrar's office will confirm the final exam schedule by email and the student may forward this to the course instructor to request a change of date for the final exam.   It is up to the course instructor to determine whether they are able to accomodate a student's request for an alternate date. Requests must be made to the instructor (1) week prior to the beginning of exams.

Incomplete Grade Resolution Policy

If a student, because of illness or other emergency, is not able to complete the work of a course on schedule, a grade of "I" (incomplete) may be submitted. Each "I" submitted by the instructor must be accompanied by a written explanation of the reasons for the grade. Incomplete grades are not given because of procrastination. Students must complete the outstanding requirements no later than four (4) weeks from the last day of final exams. Incomplete grades that are not completed by the deadline above will convert to a failing grade (F).

Future Academic Advising/Course Registration Dates

Spring 2025

Academic Advising Week November 4 - November 8
Senior Appointments November 11 - November 12
Junior Appointments November 13 - November 14
Sophomore Appointments November 15  - November 18
First Year Appointments November 19 - November 20

Academic Calendars

These calendars provide beginning and ending dates for semesters and terms, as well as dates for breaks and holidays.

View Academic Calendars