Our future goals are to stay true to what our club has always striven for: to facilitate a cohesive force to individuals interested in the natural sciences through both collegiate and communal outreach. We believe that everyone should have available the opportunity to investigate the natural world; we want to assist and even instigate this endeavor. For more information, send an email to chemclub@messiah.edu
Student Clubs and Academic Organizations

Falcon Emergency Medical Services (FEMS) is a group of volunteer certified EMTs who respond to medical emergencies on campus at Messiah University, as able. For more information, please contact EMS@messiah.edu.

The mission of MedAware (Medical Awareness Society) is to increase student medical awareness through guest speakers, student panels, de-stress nights, and various service opportunities. Club-hosted events are designed to offer students first-hand knowledge and even hands-on experience that will be valuable especially to those who wish to pursue further medical education. For more information, send an email to medaware@messiah.edu

The mission of Minds Matter Messiah University is to truthfully inform and break the preconceived stereotypes about mental illness to engage students in a dialogue with the mental health community. Equipped with awareness, we are called to provide encouragement as Christians, in which we desire to show Christ's love to those preconceived as being different. For more information, send an email to mindsmatter@messiah.edu

The Messiah University Chapter of the Sigma Zeta National Science and Mathematics and Honor Society has two major purposes - first, the encouragement of scholarship in the sciences and mathematics, and second, the recognition of those students who have excelled in scholarly achievement. In order to achieve these goals, our society judges local elementary and middle school science fair projects, which allows us both to serve others and foster a passion for STEM fields in young minds. In addition to other activities, we also host graduate- or Ph.D.-level seminars, by which students will gain an understanding of current research in highly specific fields, as well as the opportunity to ask questions regarding the graduate application or research process. For more information, send an email to sigmazeta@messiah.edu.

We truly believe God is calling us to encourage Deaf awareness on Messiah's campus. We intend to provide a positive experience for any student interested in American Sign Language or the Deaf culture, even if you know nothing coming in. This education could expand future professional opportunities as well as contribute to a further sense of community through recognizing diversity. For more information, send an email to signlanguageclub@messiah.edu.