Depending on your major, you may be able to begin a research project as early as your first year. You'll have opportunities to work as part of a research team or one-on-one with a faculty mentor. Discuss your interest in research with your faculty mentor and they will work with you on how to get started with your research project. Review this website and familiarize yourself with the many opportunities awarded to you based on your major.
100% of the students at Messiah University take part in ELI and 23% do a separate undergraduate research project.
Junior and Senior Years
Senior Capstone Project, that includes original research
Laboratory, Field, Applied or Clinical Work
Creative Works (e.g. Film, Theatre, Art, Music Exhibit or Productions
Departmental Honors or College Honors Project
Social Science - Research Project
Public or Digital Humanities Projects
Typically it will take one to two semesters, but this all depends on the nature of your research.
You will benefit both academically and through career exploration as you engage in the pursuit of knowledge. In addition, the creativity, curiosity, ability to focus, diligence, verbal and written fluency, and respect for others’ contributions that are necessary to thrive as an undergraduate researcher are critical precursors for understanding and engaging in modern cultural, academic, and professional challenges. Participating in UR can be critically important for being accepted into graduate school.