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Summer Vocal Academy

Summer Vocal Academy

Summer Vocal Academy Senior High Vocalists - NOT TAKING PLACE IN 2023
(rising 9th - 12th grade graduates)

The Summer Vocal Academy, sponsored by the Messiah University Department of Music, offers an exciting opportunity for students entering grades 9 through graduated high school seniors. This is a summer performance program held on the scenic, suburban campus of Messiah University, located just 12 miles from Harrisburg, PA.

Camper safety is our highest priority.  Messiah University reserves the right to cancel the Summer Vocal Academy if necessary in order to comply with local, state, and federal guidelines and recommendations. 

Student musicians will sing each day in a large choral ensemble under the leadership of Dr. Joy Meade, Messiah’s Director of Choral Activities, as well as sing in smaller, student-led vocal chamber ensembles.  Student musicians will all take individual voice lessons with our voice faculty, Dr. Damian Savarino and Professor Tara Savarino, where they will learn new techniques, polish old ones, perform and work on issues specific to their voice.   Students will also attend daily workshops and masterclasses led by expert artist-teachers on a range of voice-related topics, from music theater, acting, audition preparation, vocal health and more. Each day during a portion of the choral rehearsals, the students will have a musicianship class where they will explore many aspects of music making using their voices, ears, minds and bodies.  Fun social events are planned each day of the Academy for students to make friends and enjoy the beauty and fun of Messiah University’s campus in the summer.  The Summer Vocal Academy ends with a two final performances: a vocal showcase featuring our solo singers, and a choral showcase featuring the Academy Choir and vocal chamber ensembles.  These concerts are free and open to the public.