Advisory team
Messiah's Graduate Program in Education is blessed to receive counsel and support from our advisory team. The GPE Advisory Team is made up of committed and experienced educators from our local and regional areas. Our faculty, students, and programs benefit from the expertise and advice provided by members of the GPE Advisory Team.
Andria Saia Capital Area Intermediate Unit
Arlene Warmhold Delaware County Christian
Christine Lay Gettysburg Area School District
Eric Eshbach Northern York County School District
Jamie Bott Mechanicsburg Area School District
Jan Dormer Messiah College
Jennifer Fisler Messiah College
Matt Strine South Middleton School District
Maude Yacapsin Messiah College
Mike Gogoj Carlisle Area School District
Nanette Huffman Milton Hershey School
Phil Puleo Christian School Association
Rachel Rebert Harrisburg Area Community College
Steve Kirkpatrick Cumberland Valley School District
Taeko Shibasaki Messiah College GPE student
Tamara Willis Susquehanna Township School District
Todd Stoltz West Shore School District