Graduate Commencement FAQs - Class of 2025
How many tickets may I obtain for the Graduate Commencement Ceremony?
Each graduate is ensured six (6) tickets for guests to attend the Commencement ceremony. Graduates do not need a ceremony ticket for themselves. The ceremony will be livestreamed to allow additional guests to view remotely.
How do I order my Commencement regalia?
Regalia can be ordered here until March 25, 2025.
Will the Commencement ceremony be livestreamed?
Yes, the event will be livestreamed for anyone to watch.
Will there be lodging options for returning graduates on campus that weekend?
There is regrettably no on-campus housing available to returning graduates or their guests. However, many hotels in the region provide a discount to Messiah University guests so please be sure to inquire with the hotel when you make your reservations. A list of nearby hotels can be viewed here.
If I can’t attend the ceremony how will I receive my diploma cover?
If you are unable to attend, you will be contacted through your Messiah email shortly after the ceremony with directions on how to receive a diploma cover.