The "BIG IDEA" in Five Categories
Although environmental sustainability is a “big idea,” Messiah University integrates creation care throughout every part of the institution by working with operations, academics, co-curricular experiences and community partners.
To make sense of this integration, we organize sustainability initiatives into five categories: Energy, Engagement, Waste, Biodiversity, and Food.
Managing campus energy use with a mindset of conservation. That means using only what we need to and not more. We also study how we can increase efficiency and explore renewable energy options.
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Through collaborative work with various departments in the college and local enterprises, we aim to serve the campus and overall community through education, advocacy, and other projects.
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Attempting to tackle the issue of waste across multiple areas and looking at how we can recover resources, recycle others and minimize waste overall throughout campus.
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Aiming to protect, preserve, and revitalize habitat through sustainable land management practices and responsible stewardship.
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We aim to not only grow, serve, and eat food that supports healthy bodies, communities and ecosystems but to also promote an awareness regarding proper nutrition and sustainably grown produce.
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