If I share a car with my sibling, do I have to apply for parking?
If you and your sibling are sharing one vehicle; only one sibling needs to apply for parking.
Can I switch parking lots?
Students may not switch lots unless medical accommodation needs to be provided. Occasionally a special reallocation of parking lots is announced. If this is to occur all students will be notified via email. There is no guarantee this will happen in any given school year.
Can I bring my car for part of the year?
Yes, if our lots are not sold out. Check with Student Parking/Box Office first to be sure we have availability. Selection will be limited.
How long can I have a temporary parking pass?
Temporary passes are issued for up to three weeks per semester to unregistered students. The fee is $5.00 per week.
I do not know what car I will be driving next year. Should I sign up during the Spring online registration?
Yes. The best selection of lots is available during the online registration period. You should register your best guess as to which existing car you will be bringing to campus. If that car changes, be sure to let Student Parking/Box Office know ASAP. If you decide you do not need the permit in the fall you can return it by September 6 and receive a full refund.
Where can I pick up my permit?
Fall permit pickup for students who pre-registered is on the 1st floor of ECC during Welcome Week.
Do Special Interest Housing residents need permits?
Yes. Students living in Special Interest Housing (SH) must register their vehicle and purchase an SH permit. Students in Special Interest Housing with SH permits may also park in Starry (P) Lot overnight if space is limited at the house and/or if they wish to commute to campus during the day.
I am transferring to Messiah University, when can incoming fall transfer students apply for parking?
Fall transfer students may register for parking by submitting the Transfer Student Parking Registration form. These submissions will be processed on a first come, first served basis after the lottery has closed.
How do I register for parking as a Dual Enrolled student?
Dual Enrolled students should submit the Dual Enrolled Student Parking Registration form. Permits will be available for pickup in the Student Parking/Box Office on the 1st floor of Eisenhower Campus Center starting in mid-August.
As a Graduate student, how do I apply for a parking permit?
Graduate students may register for parking by submitting the Graduate Student Parking Registration form.
Where can I park in the evening?
Between the hours of 5 pm – 6 am, students with valid permits may park in TT Lot (along the railroad tracks at Sollenberger), UU Lot (lot below the Dispatch Office), and XX Lot (behind Hostetter Chapel and the Library). Commuter students with P permits may park in P1 spaces between 5 pm-6 am. All other employee lots, as well as visitor lots/spaces, are always off limits to students.
Can I sell back my permit and receive a credit for spring semester?
Students may sell their fall semester permit back and receive a credit of 50% of the purchase price if they bring the permit to the Student Parking/Box Office by December 20.
When can incoming, fall first-year students apply for parking?
Parking registration for incoming fall, first-year students is held in mid-July. When the parking lottery opens, students who have completed the requirements to participate in the parking lottery will receive an email notifying them that their parking lottery timeslot is available to view on FalconPark, the system used during the lottery process to complete vehicle registration. To be in the eligible population for lottery participation, students will need to have submitted an enrollment deposit and completed course registration. More information can be found on the First Year Parking FAQs.
When can incoming spring first-year and transfer students apply for parking?
Incoming spring first-year and transfer students can register for Spring Only parking by submitting the Student Parking Registration form after they have enrolled. These submissions will be processed on a first come, first served basis. Parking spaces are limited in the spring.
Which permits are commuter students eligible to purchase?
Subject to availability, commuter students are eligible to purchase either a P or a P1 parking permit.
If I have a P lot permit, can I also park in spaces designated as P1?
Only P1 permit holders may park in the specially designated commuter spaces in WW lot and J lot between the hours of 6 am and 5 pm. P permit holders may park in P1 spaces between 5 pm and 6 am only.
Can the P1 permit holders park anywhere in WW lot?
No, they may only park in the spots specially labelled as "P1 Commuter". You will see these spaces in the first row closest to the Commuter Lounge.
Can P1 permit holders park anywhere in J Lot?
Yes, this is a resident/commuter lot. There will also be students with J Lot permits parking in this lot. You may not park in spaces marked as handicapped, Service or Resident Director.
I was a residential student this year but am going to be a commuter next year. I do not see P or P1 as a registration option.
Email studentparking@messiah.edu or call Student parking at once for help at 717-691-6036, Option #2. Student Parking is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
I was a commuter student this year but am going to be a resident student next year. I do not see residential lots (A, B, C, D, F, G, H, J) as a registration option.
Email studentparking@messiah.edu or call Student parking at once for help at 717-691-6036, Option #2. Student Parking is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
How do I appeal a parking citation?
FALCONLink > FalconPark.