Commuter Student Services

Commuter Student Services

Commuters are a vital part of the Messiah University community. More than 300 undergraduate students live off campus and commute from home each semester. Messiah University is committed to providing equitable access to all university services and engagement opportunities to all students, regardless of residency.

Commuter Services supports our off-campus students by providing them with campus space in the Charles Frey Commuter Lounge, commuter-specific programming using a portion of the Student Activity Fee, and peer leadership through Commuter Council and Student Senate representation.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jake Edmunds, Director of First Year Experience and Leadership Programs, who oversees Commuter Services. You can also contact our Commuter Student Liaison, and fellow student, about general commuter-related questions, concerns or suggestions at

Commuter Lounge

The commuter lounge is a great place to relax, study, or even catch a few winks. It's located on the lower-level of Mountain View Residence Hall, located in the South Complex, and is reserved strictly for commuters. The lounge is open daily from 6 a.m.–12 midnight. There is free tea, coffee and hot chocolate for commuters, along with two microwaves, a sink, and a full-sized refrigerator. There's also a permanent computer and a nearby printer (located in the South Complex Learning Commons) available for use, as well as general office supplies. The building has wireless Internet.

The lounge also has lockers that you can reserve and use free of charge during the school year to store your things so you are not forced to lug them around all day. If you wish to reserve a locker, please fill out the form below. If you have questions, please contact Commuter Services at 717-796-2098 or

Locker sign-ups will open in August before the first day of classes.

Commuter Parking

All undergraduate commuters must register for parking using the Student Parking Registration Form. Forms can also be found at the Box Office located on the first floor entrance of Eisenhower (room 121). Most commuters are assigned to parking permits for lot "P" located across the Swinging Bridge next to Starry Athletic Field. Commuters who received "P1" permits may also park in the spots labeled for commuters in J lot and WW lot.

Regardless of which permit you have been issued, the following parking lots are available to all commuter students "after-hours" (weekdays after 5pm, or anytime on the weekends): TT (the lot along the train tracks), UU (the lot below the Dispatch Office adjacent to Eisenhower), and XX (the lot behind Murray Library).

Get Connected, Get Involved!

If you're a commuter student, sometimes it takes a little more work to make connections. The easiest way to meet other students is to get involved in campus life. Student-run clubs and organizations have something for everyone. Look for the clubs & organizations fair at the start of each semester as an opportunity to see what opportunities exist to connect with your peers.

What's Happening on Campus?

The Messiah University Events Calendar has all the latest happenings on Messiah’s campus. By clicking on the event, you'll find a detailed description of whowhat and when for anything that is going on at Messiah.

Checking your Messiah e-mail will also keep you in touch. We know that there are many forms of communication that students use, but e-mail is favored by faculty and staff and is used for many official Messiah University communications.

Your campus mailbox is also a form of communication between you and the community. Please check it frequently. You may receive graded material from professors through campus mail as well as U.S. mail.

Other great ways to stay informed about what’s happening:

Weather Delays and Closings

Wondering if the snow or ice is causing a campus delay for classes? Will the campus even be open? You can sign up for Messiah text alerts and receive a text when decisions are made or call the emergency line at 717-691-6084. Sign up for text alerts here.