As we join the community of Messiah University, we become a part of the fabric of a rich tapestry, each with our own unique thread, yet weaved together into a single vibrant garment. We have chosen the Messiah University community of Christian Scholars seeking to further our faith, enrich our knowledge, and aspire toward lives of service, leadership, and reconciliation. This is our shared mission; our common good.
One of the primary functions of the office is to facilitate this mission by promoting a safe and educational climate where learning can go unimpeded and nurturing the commitment of all students to our life together. Former U.S. Commissioner of Education and Messiah University alum Ernest Boyer believed that in order for college communities to thrive, clearly articulated rules and governance should be in place to balance the personal freedoms of individuals and the shared commitments that define our membership.
In the mid 1990’s, the Messiah University Board of Trustees approved the Messiah University Community Covenant which defines our common identity as “Believer-Scholars” and articulates the basis of our life together. In short, we covenant together as teachers and learners to affirm the evidence of God’s work, to delight in our relationships with God, His image bearers, and His creation, and to pursue the challenge of living our commitment.
In 2006, the Messiah University Code of Conduct was approved by members of the Community Standards Committee, which is comprised of representatives from the student body and Community of Educators. The Code of Conduct summarizes the overarching philosophy of our Community Covenant and the specific guide markers spelled out in the Student Handbook. It speaks to the many benefits students may glean from Messiah University so long as the fulfillment of our common mission goes unimpeded. Should students violate the Code of Conduct, appropriate intervention occurs which is aimed at promoting students’ personal growth and learning and restoring them to our community. This is a growth-producing process and is aligned with Student Success and Engagement learning outcomes and is spelled out in detail in the Student Handbook.
We are privileged to be a part of this community in pursuit of the higher learning goals God has called us to. That we can achieve these goals within the fabric of a faithful Christian community, colors our tapestry and enriches our life together.