Student fellows

Student Fellows

Fellows are chosen from highly capable sophomores and juniors, who are eager to connect their studies to projects that promote learning, conversation, and engagement with racial justice. Student Fellows will receive $500 per semester. In addition, students can apply for internship credit if they wish.

Student Fellows will grapple with large historical, social and religious contexts of racial injustice, and delve deeply into local histories and congregational practices. In partnership with area congregations they will explore the history of the region and help facilitate conversation among church leaders and members on the impact of our shared racial history and ministry practice. Fellows will participate in weekly meetings, in addition to program events. Weekly meetings will include:

  • Discussions of theory and best practice
  • Projects oriented towards local church demographics, ministries, and traditions
  • Conversations with faculty members and community partners
  • Partnering with churches to create and/or revitalize ministries focused on racial justice
  • Discussions of assigned readings
  • Preparation for project presentations
  • Contributing to the ongoing work of Thriving Together


  • Current sophomores or juniors
  • Strong record of academic achievement
  • Demonstrated commitment to service
  • Basic understanding of and commitment to anti-racism and racial justice
  • Willingness to learn and engage in difficult dialogue
  • A demonstration of Christian maturity

Application process

The application consists of the following:

  1. Application
  2. Two references: one faculty, and one student affairs professional (names only)
  3. A 300-word statement articulating why you are interested in becoming a Thriving Together Student Fellow, and what interests, skills, and experience you will bring to the program (file upload)
  4. A resume, not to exceed two pages, summarizing academic projects and achievements, work experience, skills, and college and community involvement (file upload)

Please complete your Program application statement (#3) and Resume (#4) prior to filling out the online application form.

Applications will be reviewed and fellowships awarded on a rolling basis.

Applications are reviewed by the Thriving Together Leadership Team; this committee will recommend approximately four individuals for this honor.

Please direct any questions abouth the Thriving Together Fellows Program to Dr. Shelly Skinner at

Complete and submit application