Calendar of Honors Events

FALL 2024

Honors Events September 2024

West Side Story

Film Series on the Book of the Year

September 4, 7:30pm, Parmer Cinema

The Tree of Life

Film Series on the Book of the Year

September 9, 7:30pm, Parmer Cinema

Panel of Alums in Publishing

co-sponsored by the CPDC

September 19, 12:00pm, Welcome Center 310

Information Session on Honors Rome Program

September 23, 8:00pm, Boyer 131

Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra Concert

limited number of free tickets available

September 28, 7:30pm, The Forum

Honors Events October 2024

Tea and Testimony

hosted by the Harbor House

October 4, 7:00pm, Harbor House

Discussion Seminars on Homer's Odyssey

October 7-11

"Marriage and the Common Good: How the State of Our Union Depends Upon the State of Our Unions"

Lecture by Brad Wilcox, co-sponsored by AEI & HDFS

October 15, 7:00pm, Parmer Hall

Talk-back Panel on Wilcox Lecture

October 16, 4:30pm, Boyer 131

ADL by Morris Fiorina

October 28, 7:00pm, Parmer Hall

Faculty Panel on Disputed Questions: "Has the sexual revolution that started in the mid-20th century brought us closer to or further from the common good?"

October 31, 4:30pm, Frey 110

Honors Events November 2024

Christine and Don Forsythe Retrospective Exhibit & Artists Talk

November 8, 4:30pm, Recital Hall

Visit to Walters Art Museum in Baltimore

with Newman Club, OCF, Increase Theology

November 9, Details TBA

Information Session on Senior Honors Projects

November 12, 7:30pm, Boyer 131

Lecture on Homer's Odyssey

by Christopher Perrin

November 13, 7:30pm, Frey 110


limited number of free tickets available

November 15, 8:oopm, Miller Theater

"Business for the Common Good"

co-sponsored by MBI

November 20, 4:30pm, Boyer 131

The Rider

Film Series on the Book of the Year

November 25, 8:00pm, Parmer Cinema

Honors Events December 2024

Advent Scripture and Song Service

December 3, 8:00pm, Recital Hall

Little Women

December 9, 7:30pm, Parmer Cinema