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Messiah Business Institute

Messiah Business Institute

The Messiah Business Institute (MBI)

Launched in 2019, the Messiah Business Institute (MBI) exists to support, equip, and encourage a thriving and purposeful business community within South Central Pennsylvania.

Bringing together business leaders, Messiah students and faculty, MBI achieves its goals through:

  • Providing educational content from business experts with a particular emphasis on how their faith, values and ethics impact their business practices and the common good.
  • Providing a welcoming and hospitable environment in which networking, support, and collaboration can occur.
  • Providing members with access to students for recruitment and mentorship purposes.

Overview of MBI Programs and Events

MBI holds two types of events.

Network Gatherings typically feature a business leader who presents to the larger audience. Events are designed to provide ample opportunity for networking and an opportunity for members to interact with the guest speaker.

Best Practice Roundtables are smaller settings designed to address a best practice, current trend, and/or challenge. Emphasis will be on highlighting a member, sponsor, or Messiah University faculty member with intentionality on interaction between attendees.

Feedback from members and sponsors influences speakers, format, content, and programming.

For more information, contact:

Rob Pepper
Executive Director/Assistant to the President for Innovation and Partnerships
717-796-1800 ext. 7278

Membership is open to all types of businesses and organizations (for example, sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and S corporations, LLCs, and non-profits). Individuals and organizations complete a short application and upon approval are added as members. Annual membership dues are $500 per year. Dues underwrite costs associated with networking and educational programs and make it possible for Messiah students and faculty to attend at no additional costs. Membership includes three seats for both Networking and Best Practice Roundtables. Seats can be used by the company representatives or by company guests.

MBI Membership is not tax deductible. Feedback from members dictates the speakers, format, and content in future programming.

Apply to Become an MBI Member

For more information, contact:

Rob Pepper
Executive Director/Assistant to the President for Innovation and Partnerships
717-796-1800 ext. 7278

There are limited corporate sponsorship opportunities. Sponsorships are open to all types of business and organizations (ex. sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and S corporations, and non-profits). While sponsorship levels vary, all sponsorships underwrite the costs associated with networking and educational programs and make it possible for Messiah students and faculty to attend at no additional costs.

Sponsors receive six seats for both Networking and Best Practice Roundtables. Sponsors are given the opportunity to host a Best Practice Roundtable, highlighting the sponsors’ expertise. Sponsors are highlighted as presenting sponsors of MBI events and are provided with an opportunity to share updates about their respective organizations. A percentage of the Corporate Sponsorship is tax deductible.

Rob Pepper
Executive Director/Assistant to the President for Innovation and Partnerships
717-796-1800 ext. 7278

Single Tickets for Networking Gatherings and Best Practice Roundtables are based on availability. Price varies for each event.

April 24, 2024  “Beyond Your Box: Break Free to Pursue Your Dream”

Craig Sider, author, leadership coach and non-profit leader



  • “The Family, Owner, Business, and Personal Hats Leaders Must Wear” Phil Clemens: Clemens Family Corporate/Clemens Food Group
  • “Multi-Dimentional Leadership” Rob Parker, Trilith Development
  • “Economic Update” Ryotara Tashiro: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
  • “Social Media Marketing” Anne Deeter Gallaher: Deeter Gallaher Group and Professor Keith Quesenberry: Messiah University
  • “Where Do We Go From Here, Remote Work” Brandon Keith, Appalachia Technologies
  • “How Can the Stimulus Help My Business?” Brown Shultz and Link Bank
  • “Working with Employees through COVID 19” McNees Wallace & Nurick
  • “Insurance during COVID 19” Gunn Mowery
  • “Bet on Talent” Dee Ann Turner, Chick-Fil-A
  • “The Statistics that Matter” Dr Jeffrey Morris, University of Pennsylvania
  • “The Art of Ironman Success” Mark Allen, Six Time Iron Man Champion
  • “Unstoppable Teams” Alden Mills, Former Navy Seal, Speaker, Author, and Business Leader
  • “The Power of Purpose” Anne Beiler, Founder of Auntie Anne’s Pretzels
  • “Finding and Hiring the Gen Z Crowd” Fred Clark and Jasmine LaGore: Clark Associates                 
  • “Christian Owned Companies” Professor Mike Zigarelli, Messiah University
  • “Innovation and Creativity Phil Hansen, multimedia artist and author
  • “Trends that Matter” Daniel Burrus, Futurist
  • "The Gift of Disillusionment” Peter Greer, Hope International
  • “Succession Planning” The North Group
  •  “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Business” Dr Bruce McCabe, Global Futurist, Speaker, and Author
  • “Economic Update: The Year Ahead”  Ron Insana, CNBC


Thank you to our corporate sponsors: