Friday, September 13, 2019
Category: News
George Will, "The Political Argument Today"
George F. Will is today’s most widely read columnist. His newspaper column has been syndicated by The Washington Post since 1974. Today, it appears twice weekly in approximately 500 newspapers in the U.S. and in Europe. In addition, he serves as a contributor for MSNBC and NBC News. In 1976, he became a regular contributing editor of Newsweek magazine, for which he provided a bimonthly essay until 2011. For 32 years, beginning as a founding member in 1981, he was a panelist on ABC television’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”
In 1977, he won a Pulitzer Prize for commentary for his newspaper columns. Altogether eight collections of Will’s Newsweek and Washington Post columns have been published, the most recent being “One Man’s America.” In 1990, Will published “Men At Work: The Craft of Baseball,” which topped The New York Times best-seller list for two months. Will was educated at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, Oxford University and Princeton University, where he earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree. He has taught political philosophy at Michigan State University and the University of Toronto. Will served as a staff member in the U.S. Senate from 1970 to 1972. From 1973 through 1976, he was the Washington editor of National Review magazine. Today, Will lives and works in Washington, D.C.
Date: Thursday, Oct. 31, 2019
Location: Calvin and Janet High Center for Worship and Performing Arts, Parmer Hall
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Ticket prices are $25 for adults; $10 for Messiah College students (with ID) and youth (18 and under). To purchase a ticket, please contact the Messiah College Ticket Office at 717-691-6036 or online at You can also visit the Ticket Office's Facebook page here.